Chapter 4: Arrows

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It's been a long night with no sleep.

Why? I have been feeling sick, I think. For once, I don't know what's going on.

This feeling hasn never happened to me before. I hate it. I also wasn't able to sleep due to stress.

I'm dying. 

I was supposed to be immortal, which is what I was promised when I gave away my son to live here, but I was cursed by a past enemy.

Now I'm dying ever so slowly. The only possible ways to fix this is to own the heart of the truest believer or to have true loves kiss.

I've tried to kiss idea but it has ceased to work. I found in the end I was just using the girl. I have decided that I am incapable of loving anyone. It's the only thing I can't find a way to do. It's impossible.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I'm gonna do with her.

It's noon and I'm sitting on a log trying not to fall asleep.

"So do you feel better?" Felix asks sitting next to me.

I told him my situation. I told him that I wasn't able to get any sleep. When he asked me why, I snapped and yelled "I don't know!"

"Calm down!" Felix said worriedly.

"I CAN'T! I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!" I yelled. I walked out of camp noticing my sudden need for time alone.

I walk around for a while. While I'm out I decide to check up on the girl, Ryan. The dry sticks an leaves crunch beneath my feet, signifying my arrival.

Most would make noise, moving back in there cage to somehow hide from me but I didn't here that. I heard silence. I worried a bit. She couldn't be gone.

When I saw a slight bit of the cage in the distance I saw no one. I sped up to her cage. It was broke open. She was gone. My emotions started to get the best of me.

Fury filled my face as I noticed an unexpected feeling. Disappointment. She's gone.

I suddenly hear a familiar sound behind me. Twigs crunching.

"Looking for me?"

It was her. I was surprisingly relieved. 


I stood there with a proud smirk on my face. I had gotten out with no help.

"What are you doing?" He asks sternly, seeming to recollect his thoughts.

"Proving that you can't cage me. I'm a pirate." 

"Why didn't you try to leave?" He asks his voice seeming a bit softer.

It dawned on me that the thought had never entered my mind. I was too focused on proving something to him. How stupid?!

He saw the realization on my face and he huffed a laugh. "Never thought to huh?" He asks.

"You need to know that you can't cage me. You can't hold me down." I say trying to sound confident. He seems amused by this.

"Why don't you come with me," he says. And starts to walk away. I follow him, wondering where he could be taking me.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"Camp.... I figure if I can't cage you I might as well let you roam around camp with the boys. I'm sure you'll recognize some." He says referring to the times they have done his dirty work with dad.

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