Chapter 12: Goodbyes

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I wait nervously for the right time. All of the boys were making their way to bed. Peter sat by the fire, staring into it as if it was talking to him.

He looked up at me, noticing that I wasn't leaving. He doesn't say anything. He just gets up and starts to walk away.

He disappears into the trees. I quickly get up, grabbing a bottle of liquor, and follow him. I tried to hide the sloshing around in my pocket as I went up to him.

"Why are you following me?" He asked quietly. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" He stops walking and looks over his shoulder.

"I'm not tired," I say plainly. "I thought I should talk to you."

"Why?" He turns to face me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, I have things to do. I'll see you in the morning." He starts to walk away again.

"No, wait!" I grab his arm. I couldn't let him leave. "Don't leave." He looks down at my hand, then backs up at me. "Can't we just hang out for a while?"

His eyes dart between my eyes, looking closely. Then he looks down at the bottle and backs up to my eyes.

"Sure, but not with this." He takes the bottle.

"Why not?!"

"Because alcohol is bad. It dulls the senses."

"Come on! It's fun! I know you like fun!" I take the bottle from his hands.

Popping the lid off, I take a drink in front of him. He doesn't smile. He just tried to pass by me in the other direction. I couldn't let him keep walking away.

"Peter wait!" I yell one last time. He turns around.

"Wha-" My lips cut him off. I only kissed him to make him stop running away. That's it.

He almost started to kiss me back but I backed away, putting on a fake smile.

"Please drink with me," I beg.

With a sigh of defeat, he takes the bottle and drinks some. "Follow me." He says, the burn of alcohol showing on his face.

I follow him to a tent. It was a lot bigger than the lost boys'. It was his. I didn't bother to ask why we were here. I didn't want to further piss him off.

We both sit on a log outside of the tent. He takes another drink and coughs.

"What is this?" He slightly chuckles.

"Rum. Why?"

"Take a drink." He shoves the bottle towards me. I do as he says. He watches me closely as I do so. "Does that not burn?"

"It does."

"Then why don't you show it?"

"When you go through a lot and drink a bunch you tend not to feel things anymore." I laughed.

"Just like your father." He teased. I lightly punched him in the arm.

"No. I am much better. A ton better actually."


We joked and talked throughout the night, telling past funny stories about ourselves. I had trouble trying to remember what I was doing, why I was here.

I suddenly realized, but that was when the bottle was empty and his lips were pressed to mine again.

He had laid me down on his bed as my fingers were tangled in his hair. In the moment, all I wanted to do was taste him. Then I realized.

"Peter stop," I said softly. "I can't do this. I'm sorry. I came here for a reason as this is not it."

He lifted off of me slowly. "What's the reason?" His voice was husky.

"I came here to ask to leave. I know I couldn't ask without your approval so... I thought I would get it." I confess.

I normally wouldn't have straight up said something like this, but I was a bit drunk and I couldn't help myself. I know he was too.

"Ryan... I think you should go get some food and sleep. You're drunk." He starts to turn around.

"I know I am but I'm telling you the truth."

"Ryan, g-"

"Really, I'm not messing with you. You your magic to sober me up, you too. I have to show you that I mean this." I plead.

He did what I asked him too. The buzz lifted off and my mind had cleared. My tone and request had not changed.

"You really mean it? You want to leave Neverland?" His voice breaks a bit.

"Yes. I do. I can't live here."

My heart sunk. She really meant what she was saying. I guess I knew the whole time that she wanted to leave but I have never cared for her enough to grant that request, until now.

One of the things that Felix had told me  when we were talking about this feeling that I had, was that if you love something you let it go.

I never knew if that saying was true or not. If it comes back to you then it loves you too, and if it doesn't, it's a waste of time.

I knew what I had to do. It broke my heart but it was the best for her, it's what she wants.

I couldn't keep her in a place that wasn't home for her. I love her and I had to set her free.

I had no clue what he was thinking but I could tell he was hurt.

"Follow me." He mumbled as he started to walk through the trees.

He didn't say a word, leaving me to my own thoughts on where he was taking me. Sooner or later, we arrived on the shore of Neverland.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I'm letting you go." He spoke quietly. "If you believe it's best for you then I'll let you go."

I couldn't help but run up to him and hug him. After all this would be the last time I see him.

"My shadow will take you away to where you came from....." he paused. The shadow arrived. "If you ever do want to come back just say I believe. He will be there to bring you back."

I knew this information was useless. Why would I ever come back?

I couldn't believe I was finally going to leave this place. I felt a little bad, I really did. For him, for Alex, for Will.

I'll be fine. I'll survive. I always survive.

I grab a hold of the shadows hand as it starts to lift me in the air.

"Goodbye, Peter Pan!" I say happily.

I felt glorious as the Island started to become smaller and smaller underneath my feet. Taking one last look at the island I bid my farewell.

I was finally on my way to a better place, to a better tomorrow.




She's gone.

He loves her

She doesn't knowewwwwwew

Please don't hate me guys. I promise everything will be okay.

Thank you guys so much for continuing to read my book.

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I wish you all a good day my lovelies!!!

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