Chapter 13: Tavern Fights

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I have never felt so free. I was soaring above the waters and trees. I watched as the land passed quickly underneath me.

My thrills quickly ended. I heard a high pitch whoosh fly by my ear. The sound was familiar.

One after another the noise repeated. Then I saw, they were arrows. People were shooting from below. The arrows became close to me. I had to let go.

I tried to yank my arm away but it didn't let go.

"Let go!" I yelled. Nothing happened.

I squirmed and kicked. Its grip loosened. I eventually had my feet pushing against it as my back faced the ground.

Finally, it had dropped me. I fell through trees, hitting seemingly every branch. My back hit the ground hard, knocking the air out of my lungs.

I groaned at the pain. I could hear voices in the background. I started to get up but I was stopped.

"Don't move!" The voice warned. I could hear him draw back his arrow. "Who are you?"

"It would be fairly easier to talk to you if  I'm facing you," I note. He allows me to sit Indian style in front of him.

He was tallish with lightish hair. He was older too, perhaps the leader of something.

"I'm Ryan Jones. Who are you?" I asked calmly. He seemed intimidated by me.

"Edgar. My name is Edgar."

"Last name?"

"No. You don't need to know. What was that thing that brought you here?"

"A shadow," I say plainly. He seemed to question if I was lying to him. "From Neverland. It was bringing me home."

His eyes changed. He put his weapon away and proceeded to help me up.

"Here kid lets go inside for a bit." He didn't seem intimidated anymore. "Say... how did you get that scar?"

"A lost boy," I spoke lowly. "I'd rather not talk about it."

We walk into a tavern. The smell of alcohol reminded me of Peter and I's encounter. Edgar whistled, getting everyone's attention.

The place fell silent. "Everyone, we have a guest. She claims that the beast was a shadow, from Neverland." People tuned in at the mention of the place. "She claims that Peter Pan has let her escape. So please be nice to our new guest. This is her first taste of freedom she's had in a while."

I could sense something wrong. Men had smiles from ear to ear, some chuckle, some whisper. Edgar had a tone of secrecy hidden behind his voice. It was apparent in his speech.

I walked to a table by myself, grabbing a hold of someone's money on the way.

Some girl came by who worked there. I set some coins on the tray and said one.

"Ummm we don't serve underage people."

"I'm older than you think. Go on." I sent her off. She came by soon after with the drink. She then sat down.

I said nothing to her, looking down, wondering what I'm gonna do here. She finally worked up the courage to talk to me.

"You know the alcohol is quite bad for you."

I looked up slightly at her, "Says the one who works in a tavern."

"Well yeah but I don't drink it."

"I have my reasons for doing so," I spoke quietly.

"And I do too. I still advise not doing it."

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