(NJS 2) Chapter 1: The Note

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Keep on reading to see the first chapter of the next book, Not Just Stories 2.

"Tell us again Ryan!!!" One of the boys spurted. Another lost boy shoved his hand against his head.

"Why must you be so entertained by this? Go carve or something." He laughed, annoyed.

"Yeah, I have some things you could be doing. Ryan has repeated that story twice now." Peter stood up from sitting in a log, listening to my story. He stood behind me. "It's been about 3 months since then anyway, can't you just remember?"

"It's difficult." The boy coughed up, walking away. I knew he would be back sooner or later. I turned around to face Peter.

"3 months" I pause. "Has it really been that long?" 

"Yes, love. I should know. It's been the best 3 months of my life." He smiled at me. He wasn't the monster everyone said he was. He is sweet, misunderstood. He's a beautiful thing. Very beautiful indeed.

I love him.

He pulled me into his embrace, kissing me softly. I enjoyed it. I didn't want it any different. I took a drink from my cup nearby. I laughed nervously.

"What?" Peter asks.

"One of the boys must have made this tea with old leaves." I laughed as I tried to rid of the bitter taste.

Peters' eyes widened in concern. "I made that for you. I didn't do anything to it... let me see." He tried to grab the cup from me but I put it aside.

"It's fine. I'll just have water." I laughed.


"Pan! Pan! Look!!!" One of the boys called. I made my way over to him. He held out a piece of paper. It looked fairly new but it still was crumpled.

You failed to listen to me the first time Pan. Now you have to pay the price.
That is unless you want to make a deal. Bring Ryan to skull island on the next full moon. I will take her from there.
If you do so, she is safe. I will take her off your hands. BUT
If you choose to not do so, then every night after that one of your lost boys will die off, till there are none. If you choose to take that route and be selfish, as always, then she will die.
You will know what it's like to be lonely  and to feel unloved. Follow my directions and no one gets hurt.

                                                                          ~ G


I read the letter over his shoulder. "Who is that from? Who's G?" I ask him. I was still processing what was written down.

Peter looked around him and grabbed my wrist, leading me into the woods. He walked fast without saying a word. "Peter what are you doing?" I try to pull from him but he didn't budge.

He brought me to his tent and sat me down. "Why am I here?" I tried to ask something again but he didn't answer.

He frantically ran around his tent, gathering items and murmuring things. I grab him by the shoulders and forced him to answer me.

"What's going on?! Why are you being like this?" I raised my voice. Peter didn't waste time answering my questions, as his voice raised too.

"I can't loose you!" He blurted. "Ryan I just got you and you are now mine. I will not loose you to some coward who can't even confront me in person!" He stood at the entrance to his tent.

He waved his hand. "This protection spell will keep intruders away and you inside. Food and water will be sent to you." He tried to walk away with that.

"Wait! You are just gonna keep me in here?!? I can fight too!"

He walks closer to me. "I know you can but I won't risk loosing the only thing I love." His voice softens. "It's not worth it to me."

"But what about the lost boys?" I ask as his face gets closer to mine.

"One girl is worth more than twenty boys, and to me you are worth more than all." His lips pressed against mine but it didn't last before he started to walk away again. "I won't risk loosing you or having you get hurt."  With that, he left me.

I could hear as his footsteps became quieter and quieter until I couldn't hear them.

Soon new footsteps were being made. They were faster than Peter's. I run to grab something to arm myself with.

Before I was ready, there was a dark figure standing by the entrance. It had a cloak on and it seemed to be glitching. It didn't speak. It just stood there as my stomach began to turn sharply.

I felt light headed and fell to the floor, trying to call out Peter's name. The room was spinning and I could hear tiny voices around me.

I felt as if I was going insane, but just like that it was gone. Silence and stillness filled the room. The only thing making it through was the pounding of my heartbeat.

Somebody is after me, but why. What is so special about me? What are they going to do?

Questions fill my vulnerable head as my vision darkens. Soon all I saw was darkness and my whole body was numb.

Stillness was all I felt. That was until I felt myself being suffocated. It was like something or someone was choking me. I couldn't breathe.

Sharp pains filled my body. There was no way to escape it. I couldn't see who was doing this to me.

Soon the spinning started again. I was scared. I didn't know where I was but I couldn't escape. I yelled for Peter but no one could hear me.

I screamed and screamed until I couldn't anymore. This was insanity. I wasn't in control. I realized then where I was.

I was no longer in his tent. I was in my mind.

Just like that, the spinning stopped and the black room was quiet. I stood for a while for the next feeling to arise.

I barely had time to question any of this.

Am I going insane? Did I eat something? Did-

That's when I realized. My mind went back to that tea I drank and just like that I was back in Neverland, back in Peter's tent.

My hear again was the only thing I heard. I was scared. Who is coming for me? Who poisoned me?

I decided it would be best if I slept. I climb into the bed and snuggled in the blankets. Before I fell asleep I noticed tiny marks on my arm.

Bruises resembling fingerprints, placed on my forearm.

At that point I knew, whoever wanted me wasn't afraid to hurt anyone in the process, including me.


Thank you guys so much for reading the first book of the njs series. I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you guys for all the votes and comments.

You can also follow me to see whatever else I'm doing and read my other books.

Thank you guys so much for everything and I wish you all the best 

Much love!!!!!

P.S. For a couple of years now I have been handwriting this book and up at the top is a picture I took of one of the pages. Just thought that would be cool and fitting for this chapter.

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