Chapter 15: Caring Side

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I was so happy. Joy filled my body as I saw the towns pass below me, never to be seen by my eyes again. I was going back home.

We went higher and higher into the sky. For a second it was a blur, but soon I was able to make out an island below me. I tried to rush the shadow to get me to the ground quicker.

As soon as my feet hit the sand I wanted to dart into camp but I couldn't. I was so happy. I wanted to see him and I wanted to see him now. I couldn't get over myself. I was so happy.


I jerked up in bed, knowing instantly that someone new was on the island. Most likely, it was a pirate, thinking they could kill me in my sleep.

I tied up my boots tight to my feet and got out of bed. I have lost count of how many pirates I have killed. I have even let some go to warn the others. No matter what I do they always come back, never learning.

After tying up the last of my boot, I look up at my nightstand. There sat the bottle from the night Ryan left. I looked at the bottle carefully, knowing that she was the last one who drank out of it.

"I hope you're happy now." I murmur, setting the near-empty bottle down.


I flipped my hood up to try to prevent twigs getting caught in my hair and breaking. I wanted to be as quiet as I could to surprise him.

As I quietly worked my way around twigs and leaves I thought to myself... what if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he forgot? No... he couldn't forget...right?

I continue to walk past my worries. I wasn't gonna let them bother me although they did distract me. I step in the wrong spot, twigs crunching under my feet.

Immediately I stand motionless. I could hear something but before I could process it I was thrown against a tree.

"You pirates never learn to stay off my island, do you?" He says aggressively.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Except this time, I think you outta be glad I came back." I chuckled, trying to hold in my excitement.

His eyes widened and he ripped off my hood, revealing my blushed face filled with excitement.

"I thought you would never come back!" His voice shakes as he pulls off his tough guy mask. He pulls me into his embrace but suddenly that changed when he pulled back.

I was shocked by the sudden embrace. He pushed back on me with a puzzled face. "Why are you here?"

"I couldn't live where I was. It wasn't home."

"Home? I sent that shadow to take you there."

"Well, there was some... arrows... and people. It's fine. Where I was gonna go still wasn't home. My family is here..." I paused. He was surprised by my words as he held on tighter to me. "You are my new family."

"You want to live here?!" He was still shocked about the whole thing. I nodded my head gleefully, pressing my lips to his.

I loved him. I truly loved him.

A ring of different colored light shot out from around us. Peter had kept his eyes closed as he sunk deeper into the feeling. I soon followed after him.

Once he pulled away a smile appeared on his face. "So you were the one." He intertwined his fingers with mine.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Long ago I was cursed by a witch for harming someone who she loved. She put me through the torcher of time...." he paused, sprinkling some pixie dust on me. "Follow me." He said calmly.

I was experiencing a new side of him. He seemed more... caring???

We flew to skull island. Inside was a large open area. He walked quietly in the area, looking around the room. I watched him, waiting for him to break the silence. Then he did.

"Right where I stand used to be a huge hourglass. That held how much time I had left before I would die. The only ways to stop my fate would be to find the heart of the truest believer or..." he paused once more. "Or true loves kiss."

He steps closer to me. I felt for him. "I never planned to find it with you." He whispers softly.

My face was twisted in confusion. "Why did you bring me here in the start then?" I asked. He looked down slowly and then back up at me.

I couldn't tell her. No! I just got her back and I wasn't about to lose her because of what I did. I'll just... return the magic to her some other time.

"I don't know why I brought you. Sometimes I just follow my gut feeling." I slowly got closer to her. "And I'm glad I did." I kissed her again.


I brought her back to camp. The boys were hollering and cheering for her return. They had missed her, as did I. I watched as they danced around her in glee.

Felix walked up slowly to my side. "So she came back?" He smiled. "Did it work?"

"Yes, it did. The curse is broken. She really does love me, but this is just the start." My eyes never leave her as she hugged Will and Alex.

Felix shifted uncomfortably. "Do you think she'll live?"

"Oh yes. She's strong, definitely. I'll protect her but the kiss has set the ball rolling. A lot more is to come." I turn to Felix. "She actually loves me!"

I was still in shock about everything. I almost could help but think it was a game but it wasn't. It was real!

I whistled to get the boys attention. "I would like to play a song," My eyes gazed upon hers at the sparkles in the sky, "in honor of our queen's return."

The night went on, the mesmerizing tunes ringing through everyone's ears.


Boys slowly stared down a path to their beds, one after another. Soon it was just Peter and I. I had missed him terribly.

Everything about Neverland and returning has seemed nostalgic to me. Like I was returning to my childhood. It was a mistake to leave in the first place.

He walked up to me. "You need some sleep." He says in a caring nature. He walked me to my tent. When we got there, I couldn't just go in. I spun around and hugged him. He hugged me back. "I missed you." He said.

"I missed you too." I pull back a bit. He kisses me on the forehead before I went into my tent.

Covering myself with the blankets, I felt a warm feeling inside, then it hit me. This is the happy ending... right? No. It's happening. This is what she said would happen. My mind refers back to the memory of her words spun in my head.

You will find your happy ending, but once you do your past will come back to haunt you. You won't survive. Read the book. Know why it happened.

With those words, I fell asleep.

To be continued...


Sorry that took such a long time to update.

I have had a lot of things going on like school

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And thank you so much for reading!

See ya later my lovelies!!!

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