Disturbed Mind

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Adam's POV
There she was, standing with an attitude next to her grandfather. I hate to admit it that I found her very pretty in that dress that hugs every inch of her curves that made me want to run my fingers seductively on her, savouring every part of her. She had that 'I don't care look' screaming. She was indeed beautiful.

No Adam! Don't fall into her trap! She is here to destroy you! Yes! She is here for destruction!

My blood started to boil like it was heating with a very high temperature. I was sure that I might look like a freaking dinosaur but did I care?
Then I noticed her doe eyes ran on Theo drinking every inch of him. Here I am, her mate and she is cheking another guy out! They are all the same! Always thirsty for others!

Theo walked to her and held her hand and kissed the back of it and of course saying his sweet sugar coated words. He is always like this, talking like a freaking gentleman. She could brush it off and divert her eyes from him. But no! Instead she replied smiling at him sweetly. Oh stop this sweetness! You two might get diabetes!

She shifted her gaze to mine expecting me to go forward like Theo but am I Theo? No. So I stayed put in my place with so much anger building in me ready to explode in any minute.

Noticing that I did not say anything to her, she stepped forward and stretched her hand for a handshake. So desperate for my attention huh? First you destroy my contract and now you want me to shake hands with you? Are you kidding me?!

Without second thought, I turned around, opened the door and walked out of that restaurant. The place was cozy and comfy though even the food is good. But I highly doubt the Manager.

I went to my car and drove off to home. I could not stand all this thing. First of all, Theo betrayed me. He revealed my mate to grandfather. Bloody traitor!
And now grandfather wants me to meet my mate and form a bond. Like I am going to do it!

Evelina's POV
God! How am I going to show this asshole the meaning of love and mate?! They way he looks at me makes me want to just run away from him. His eyes...his eyes were full of hatred and anger. Was he angry because of the damn shirt on which I accidentally splashed coffee on?! Seriously?! How can he be so immature?! He could have told me and I would definitely buy one! Asshole!

But....there was something in his eyes that were shouting to get out and to be free that I could not decipher. I wish I could....

Diverting my mind from that idiotic asshole, I continued in sorting out some papers. Then grandpa's and John's words rang in my ears again.
You have to marry him soon else.....he will die. Not because lack of mate but lack of love....

I grabbed my hair in frustation and closed my eyes. Marry him...this asshole. Will I be able to save him? Is he going to accept me? To love me? What?! No! No! No! Where does this word love come from?! This is surely driving me crazy!
I shook my head like a mad woman and drank some water to calm myself. I was really in need of someone's ears that time but I could not tell anyone about this as this is a secret and I respect John. So, only one solution lighted my bulb and that was to drown myself in the papers which I gladly did anyway.

After some minutes later, I felt like my head was about to explode due to forcing myself onto work too much.

Standing up, I decided to take a walk in the restaurant, to see how the customers were being served.

I placed all the papers on the table and made my way to the tables. I took in the calm and comfortable environment around me. Stephanie, Pauline, Anderson and even Nathaniel were working hard.

Despite that they were tired because of the running around to take orders and stuff, they did not show it. They were always smiling. I have very good workers..

Then my eyes shifted from them to a family. A very simple and cute family. There were a couple and two cute kids. A boy and a girl. The family was talking among themselves and laughing.
The boy stole the girl's pizza and the girl was fighting with her brother. The parents were laughing at them and then the father said something to the mother and she was blushing very hard. Seeing them a faint smile appeared on my face. Maybe someday, someday I'll have a happy family like that....a family of my own..

Turning my heels the smile still on my face, I returned to my cabin and resumed my work.

At night when I went home from the restaurant, the same things were on my mind-John's words and...the happy family.
The same questions repeated.
Will I be able to do it? Will I be able to show him what love and mates are? Will he ever trust me? Will he accept me?

When I was at the dinning table having dinner with everyone. My mind was not at rest. I ate silently but inside I was in a big dilemma.
"Velina? Why are you so silent today?" Ed asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Umm..I-I am tired. That's all." I smiled awkwardly and continued eating the fried noodles my Mama cooked.

"You sure? Cause it does not seems like that to me." Van looked at me in the eyes but I told him the same thing.

"Did anyone do anything to you?" Now was Papa's turn to ask me. He and his protective nature...

"Velina, if there is anything bothering you my baby. You can tell us. We are here for you. Okay?"  She took my hands in hers and I just nodded.
Oh Mama if I could....only if I could....

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