Christmas (1)

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Hello everyone! I decided to change the story cover! It is on top!👆 Wanted it to be more romantic and sensual...thought this one would be best!😍
Also Adam's POV below!

Adam's POV.
"Shit!" I muttered as I tried to flip the damn shapeless pancake. I really was not nailing my first Christmas gift for my Eve.

It was very difficult for me to think of a Christmas gift for Eve as she told me to suprise her. Plus I know she is not that type of girl whose eyes will glitter at the sight of an expensive jewelry. Knowing her, she will probably make fuss on that jewelry on how much expensive it is. And maybe she will flush that jewelry in the toilet.

So I thought of giving her a very special gift. That is making her morning breakfast. A very special Christmas breakfast. Though I highly doubt that it will be that special...

"Okay. One more time." I told myself and threw the burnt one to a bowl which contained a very good number of pancake trials.

I pour the dough on the pan and tried to do the damn circulation movement. Aline was not here. I told her to take a leave to celebrate the day with her husband. Despite she was not present, she gave me instructions on how to make the pancakes even the ingredients.

Luckily this one had the fade round shape. It was more or less oval though.

Starting gaining some confidence when the pancake turned out not fully burnt, I proceeded for two more.

At last I placed the three pancakes on a white shining plate. I succeeded in saving these pancakes' ass from getting burnt.
I tapped my chin while looking at the pancakes intently.
Hmm...what should I add to make look more romantic and tasty?

Then my eyes hit the nutella pot which was on the counter. I plunged a spoon in it and took out some and tried to draw a littel smiley face. Finishing the drawing, I wrote 'eat me' at the bottom of the smiley. The smiley was not that good but it was not bad too.
Now let's hope it tastes good.

With a heavy breath, I made my way to our bedroom with the plate. Eve was still sleeping and she sounded so peaceful. I fought to myself not to wake her up.

I placed the plate on the bedside table and neared to her to wake her up. I ran my hand on her soft hair and placed a kiss on top of her head.
She really is beautiful.

Eve mumbled a few incoherent words under her breath and stirred slightly. Then she opened her eyes slowly and smiled instantly at me making my heart go wild.

"I-uh-...Merry Christmas!" Damn Adam! You really suck! Is this a way to even say Merry Christmas to your wife?! Wait! Where is the damn plate!

Eve was opened her mouth about to say something but I got up fast to fetch the plate that she could not even get the time to speak.

"I don't know if you like it my Eve. I thought of doing this for you as a Christmas gift as I did know what to give you. I don't know if they are good though. I tried to make them look delicious but I think they did not really cooperate-" I was being cut off by her index finger on my lips.

"Ssh." Eve said smiling then added.

"It is great! I love them! I don't care if they don't look delicious. The most important thing is that you made them. You. Now I'll brush my teeth and eat them. As written on it." She winked and smirked at me.

Then Eve got up and made her way to the bathroom. I waited for her still sitting on the bed, thinking of how to make this Christmas a unique one.

Some minutes after I heard light footsteps nearing. I felt soft arms wrapped me from behind.

"So where is the food? Cause I am....hungry." Eve whispered seductively in my ear and made the last word my favourite one.

" is here.." Breathe Adam. Breathe. You don't want your little buddy to wake up, do you?

I took a long breath while I leaning to the bedside table for the plate.

"Here." I handed it to her.

" me...huh?" She smirked at me seductively with mischievious glitters in her eyes.

"Oh this? I thought of doing this to uh-...make it beautiful?" It came out like a question than an answer.

Eve giggled and said.
"Cute." Then she leaned forward and planted a sweet kiss on my left cheek.

She surprised me with this act and I knew that my eyes were ready to kiss the floor.

Eve took a bite of the first pancake. My breath hitched.
Her eyebrows were brought together in deep concentration and I really felt like I was in a chef cuisine contest.

My eyes were glued on her instinctively waiting for her comment.

"I like it." She said smiling.

"Really?" My lips lifted up.

I took a bite on the one in her grasp and immediately regretted it.
Damn! It is so awful! And bland!

"How could you say that you like it? It is tasteless!" I exclaimed gagging.

"Maybe it is tasteless for you but for is delicious." Eve whispered the last word in my ear.

"B-But it-" I tried to resonate but she cut me off with a an index finger again on my lips.

"You talk too much." She smirked and added.
"Let's go."

"Where?" I asked confused.

"Let's make some more pancakes together Adam!" Eve had that exciting emotion coming out of her doe like eyes.

She literally dragged me from the room to the kitchen and made me wear an apron.

"Adam now tell me what ingredients you used." Eve asked while tying the aprom behind the back.

"Umm...flour, milk, vanilla?" I replied trying to remember.
Shit! I forgot the main ingredient! SUGAR!

"Okay then let's get started!" She exclaimed punching the air.

"Eve don't tell me you are so damn excited to make pancakes together with me." I told her shaking my head low and smiling faintly.

"Of course I am! It is such a great to make breakfast with your partner! I mean my man." She added the last part smirking.

What is wrong with her smirking lately?

Eve turned around and took out some ingredients and placed them on the counter. With a whisker in her hand she said.
"Now watch the expert."

What she did not know was that I was watching her all the time...

Hellooooooo!!!!!!! We meet again after a veryyy long time! Phew! Alrighty! Chapter 37 updated!! Wohoo! So Adam makes pancakes? What do you think of him? And his pancakes?😁😂
Comment your thoughts and hit that star cause I love you! Bye! See ya on next chapter!

Oh a little insight: the next one might be stay tuned!😆😏😏

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