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Adam's POV.
I was beyond shock when I found Evelina pinned under me with her neck stained with some blood. I leaned closer and ran my moist tongue on it.
Damn! Her blood is different and tasty!

My hands were still cupped with her sexy body. She was indeed a very beautiful woman and the dress that she wore that night brought her beauty out even more. I still could not know why I lashed out when that guy talked to her. It was as if he was trying to steal her from me which is irony because I did not consider her as mine.

Her eyes were closed peacefully. Maybe because of all the blood I drank.
Shaking my head lowly, I lifted her up in the bridal style and placed her slowly on the bed.

While placing her, my eyes hit the red spot on her blue dress.
Drinking from her was one thing. Now I freaking stained her dress!

I can't leave her like this in her blood stained dress. After all I am the one who stained it in the first place!

I went through my clothes to get her something to change as I don't want to be titled as a pervert if I go through hers.

While rummaging, my mind drifted to her.
She barely knows me and here she was giving me her life...
I was not treating her like a mate should do...yet she did not hesitate in bringing me in life...

Finally I got something in my grasp. It was a white shirt. I went near her and unzip the side zipper. My hands were shaking as hell and my heart was drumming. The minutes were slow and so my move on the zipper.
Running it down, her smooth flesh was showing up like it was hiding there and waited for me. My fingers brushed against the softness of it. When I was done with the zipper, I reached up to pull the dress. Her bare shoulders teased the hell out of me while I was peeling the sleeves off. Sweats started to form on my forehead when I reached her breasts. Holding my breath, I pulled the dress even more and her body was doing a great job in making me feel uncomfortable. I felt myself growing hot.
Adam! It isn't the time to feel turn on!

I snapped from my thoughts and decided to make this like an easy job but in vain. I continued on peeling the dress off. She moved slightly and her eyebrows were pulled to a cute frown. I smiled at her. In not even a week being with me. She taught me many things...
I proceeded in undressing her and at last I was successful.
Damn! It was more difficult than to persuade a businessman for a deal!

I reached out for my shirt and tried to put on her. I inserted her right hand and I pulled her up slightly so that I could make her wear the left sleeve. Then I started buttoning up the shirt and when I was done, I covered her body. I had to admit that she was looking very sexy and not to mention delicious with my shirt on.
She changed the position she was sleeping before and murmured something in her dreams. Then she pouted and her eyebrows still furrowed as if she was concentrating on something.
She really was something.

Standing up, I went to the bathroom and washed the blood stain cause if people in charge of the wash saw the blood, they would definitely freaked out. Then I called the room service for the dress and to bring me breakfast as I highly doubt that she ate something.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing and the caller read Theo.
Why is he calling me now?
"Hey Velina! Is everything okay now? I don't have your number that's why I am calling on Adam's phone." He explained.

"Theo. Its me." I said coldly. Why the heck did Velina call him?!

"Oh Adam! You alright? Wait a minute! Adam how can you be so careless regarding your health? You didn't bring your blood supplements, did you?" He asked sounding like an angry ogre.

"I forgot the supplements and I thought of doing some jogging today. Maybe I collapsed due to excess exercises." I said while opening the door since the room service were already here.
I handed the woman the dress.

"Yeah! And Velina had to endure all this because of you! Do you know how worried she was?!" I held my phone far from my ear fearing that my poor eardrum would damage.

Worry? How can she be worried of me?! When the only thing I've done is hurting her!
My mind went blank for a moment.

I stepped back and allowed the other woman to place the breakfast trays on the table. When she was done, the other woman and her left. I closed the door.

I did not have any words.
"I-I" for the first time in my life I was stammering.

"Anyway, how did she save you?" He asked after letting a long breath.

"She gave me her blood.." I said staring at her, sleeping peacefully.

"She gave you her blood?! That's unexpected of her and expected of a mate!" Mate? Do mates care for their partners this way? Like saving them from any dilemma?

"Oh Adam. Sorry but I have to go, I got a meeting to attend. Bye and do take care of yourself and your wife." With that he hanged up.

I walked up to her and bent down. I brushed my hands through her silky hair feeling the softness of it like her skin. She then smiled and moaned softly.
My mate. My wife. My Eve.

Another update today? Well yes! I could not hold my fingers in writing this part! I was so freaking excited for this one! I am so happy for Evelina! *cries* *cries*
Adam is being such a sweetheart now. Ahh Adam...how I wish you could exist...😍
Meet me in the next chapter!

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