Nice Person

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Okayy so first of all this chapter is dedicated to Alphaxavierlover. Thank you so much for the votes!

Evelina's POV.
"Okay so, Mrs Vernom this is  your wheelchair and if there is anything concerning your health do contact us." The doctor said formally smiling at us. He was a very good one as he was not grumpy. But sometimes when he had to inject me, the Satanic Asshole had to interrupt him by saying that he only has to inject me not to do anything else. He really was difficult sometimes.
I mean of course the doctor will only inject me. What else he would do to me? This man was driving me insane.

"Thank you doctor and yes I'll contact you if there is anything concerning my health." He handed me his card and the Satanic Asshole willingly took it from him. Then he left me and my husband in the room.

I was still on the bed with my legs on air. I stole a look at the wheelchair. Urgh...I am going to use this now?!

"So, my dear wife, it's time to say goodbye to hospital." He said making his way to my legs. He then ditached my legs from the supports thing and placed them carefully on the bed. Despite of his effort, I still felt a wave of pain washed in my legs but I did not show him. Why? I don't know myself.

He lifted my legs and brought them down the bed. Later, he helped me in changing my position. He made me sit on the bed with my plastered legs dangling off the bed. The advantage of being short. I thought sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

The Satanic Asshole fetched my wheelchair and said.
"Now I will have to lift you and make you sit on it."

He put his strong arms under me feeling the heat radiating off his body meeting my cold one. My heart started hammering and my cheeks warmed instantly. To hide my embarrassing face, I turned my face to the side.

He placed me on the wheelchair with great care as if I was some fragile glass that would break in an instant. I felt so...precious?

The ride to the penthouse was long and tiresome and I was feeling very sleepy maybe because of the medecines. That day I felt something strong towards the Satanic Asshole. He could be a nice person. In fact he is a nice person but maybe he was hiding this. But why? Why the hard surface?

With all these thoughts building up in my brains, I felt my eyes started drooping. My head felt light. Unconsciously, I placed my head on the Satanic Asshole's shoulder and drifted to a sweet sleep. Stefan was driving the car so we were sitting on the backseat.

***30 minutes later***
"What? Let me sleep!" I groaned to the shaking and nuzzled more to the warmth
Ahh it feels good...

Wanting to be more comfortable I brought my head more to the heat and my hands squeezing the soft...flesh?

Oh it is just a dream...I'll just sleep.

After some minutes, I felt a very hot blow washed against my right ear making it red in colour. My eyes shot open immediately feeling the hairs stood up on my body.

Lifting my head from the warmth, I looked up to only see the Satanic Asshole smirking at me with mixed emotions dancing in his eyes then shifting my eyes down, I noticed a large pool of drool winking at me on his shoulder and not forgetting that he was wearing a black Armani suit.
Woow great job Velina! You successfully made a fool of yourself!
My conscience commented sarcastically.

"I-I...I a-am s-so sorry S-Adam." Damn! I was about to call him Satanic Asshole!

"There is nothing to appologise about my Eve. It's just a drool and it is not a big deal. Cause you are my wife and don't mind my wife doing these things on me or to me." He whispered seductively the last part in ny ear making my insides turn upside down.

Come on! Breathe Velina!

Trying to change the topic, I said.
"I-I think we have to go cause Aline maybe waiting for us, right?" Then to top it all off my stupidity self, I laughed nervously.

He looked at me instensely in the eyes at first then he opened the door and got off. Stefan had already took out the wheelchair from the booth so, the Satanic Asshole came to my side and opened the door then lifted me once again and placed me on the wheelchair.

The Satanic Asshole pushed the wheelchair making our way to the house. The instant he rang the doorbell, Aline opened the door with a warm smile playing on her lips.

"Oh my dear! How are you feeling now? Adam! Why didn't you tell me about this!" She asked the Satanic Asshole glaring at him furiously while pointing at my plastered feet.

"Well...I did not want to worry you so-" He did not have the time to complete as Aline cut him.

"Worry? Adam you better think of a valid explanation." She put both her arms on her waist.

"Umm...Aline? May I come in?" I asked smiling at her behaviour. She really behaved like a mother to the Satanic Asshole.

"Oh Evelina! How come I forgot about you? I am sorry. And of course you may come in!" Her deadly facial expression changed into a sweet sugar coated one.

And as if on cue, the Satanic Asshole left us in the hall making his way to his room. Then Aline continued on wheeling the wheelchair for Adam.

"Aline where are you taking me?" I asked as she changed the direction.

"To your room Evelina. So that you can rest. Why?" She was a great woman. I did not even feel the absence of my mama here.

"Ah no. It's just that I want to go to the kitchen and chat a little bit with you." I explained her and then she turned the wheelchair and we made it to the kitchen.

"I am sorry Evelina. You just came home and you heard me yelling at Adam." Aline appologised while cutting some vegetables. And might I say she was cutting them like a professional chef!

"Oh no Aline. I did not mind at all. In fact I am happy that you behave in this way with Adam. It's most like a mother scolding a child." I told Aline who had a very appologetical face but when she heard the last part she started laughing.

"You are really amazing girl, Evelina. He made a good choice in choosing you as his wife." She said smiling at me showing me how bright her teeth were.

When Aline was done with the cooking, she passed me a bowl to taste if it was good or if it lacked some ingredients.

She cooked fried noodles for me that day as she told me that she was going to cook whatever I wanted that day. So I told her fried noodles!

Swirling the fork in the bowl, I brought the food to my mouth and it made contact my yearning tastebuds. The instant they touched the food, they started to water, wanting for more.

"Aline! This is so heaven!" I exclaimed and she was just giggling shyly.

While I was munching, I remembered that I had to thank Aline for the soups she prepared for me when I was in hospital.

"Umm...Aline thank you for the soups you prepared for hospital. They were all delicious and maybe you should even prepare some for me tomorrow cause I really can't get enough of them!" I took her hand and thanked her warmly.

She crunched her eyebrows first then lowered her face to me and smiled.
"Well I think you will have to tell your husband to make you some tomorrow." Aline said pinching my nose.

Husband? Wait it means that all the soups I ate were made by the Satanic Asshole?! That's why he was always blushing when I complimented on them! Now I can say that...he is indeed a nice person...

Helloo my dear wattpad readers! *yawns*
I just woke up and started writing this chapter. And yes it is 21.00hr and I went to bed at 18.00hr so I slept like for 2 hours and so wanted to update this part!
Okay so enough of rambling about other stuff and do tell me if you enjoyed this chapter! Let's meet again in the next one! Bye.❤

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