Hello L.A!

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Evelina's POV.
To tell the truth I was shocked. I did not know that we were supposed to go to L.A by the Vernom Private Jet.

I took the window seat as I wanted to see how it actually looks like to be in the clouds. The view was fantastic and I really loved it.
While Asshole well, he was seated very far away from me as if I was some ghost.
That thought made me laugh as I remembered Aline. Poor her, I frightened her.

Hearing my laughs, he glared at me deadly.
What the hell is wrong with him?! He freaking glared at me twice a day! Is he alright?!

I diverted my gaze from him to the window and allowed my mind to wander.
My family. Now I am not a Storm but a Vernom.

I did not even think that one day I'll be in this kind of situation. Married to someone who hate me the most.

Bored, I decided for a round two sleep. Hey! Don't judge okay? Sleeping is good for both health and skin!

I felt my eyes drooping and let the sweet sleep consume me.

***A few hours later***
I felt someone shaking the hell out of me. Scared, I shot my sleepy eyes open.
"What the hell?!" I shouted without looking at the person.

"We've arrived. If you want to continue your sleep then go ahead but I am going cause the pilot is returning." He said while taking his suitcase rolling it behind him.

My mouth literally dropped at his words. How can he be so cold?! He should be in a freaking refrigerater!

Without wasting a second, I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and followed him like a lost puppy.
L.A was fabulous. I did not have any words to describe it. It's so amazing!
The huge buildings and the busy town were incredible.

I could sense my eyes glitter while I was taking in the foreign environment.

"Will you stop gaping and start moving your lazy ass here cause I don't have all day to wait for you." His voice brought me back to the reality that I was with this Asshole.

I snorted and followed him.
He took out his phone and dialed God knows whose number and muttered some words. After a few minutes, a white lamborghini stopped in front of us.

He went forward and opened the door and took a seat.
Woww so gentleman-like! -Note the sarcasm.

I went to the car and took mine and when the driver had already done with putting our baggages in the booth, he started the engine and we were off.

After some minutes of torture, we finally arrived. I was sitting next to Asshole and he was continuously texting someone and he could not even set his mobile in the mute mode. He was typing to someone constantly and this typing sound was irritating me to the core.
I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes to calm myself. This was something I hated the most-typing sound.
I once broke Van's mobile when he was typing off to his friend and I told him to mute this sound but no, he did not listen so I did the only thing that came to my mind. I threw the mobile on the floor and I stepped on it like I won a bloody war. And by the way it was the latest Iphone so you could imagine his furious face by now.

And that moment my hands were itching to just grab his mobile and throw it out of the window.

We got out of the car and the driver got out suitcases out of the booth carefully. Asshole went first with all his mighty in the hotel. By the outside looks of the hotel itself, I could say it was luxurious.

We went inside and Asshole talked to the receptionist about our suites. Luckily the receptionist was not the typical ones who are always thirsty for young and handsome men.

She handed Asshole a card and muttered.
"Enjoy your stay."

Asshole did not reply, instead he was making his way to the lift. As I did not want to be impolite towards her, I smiled and said.
"Thank you."

He could not even say a simple thank you to that woman!

I hurried to him and fortunately I made it in time as the doors of th lift were closing. My heart was beating fast and my breath was short.
The consequence of not being a sportive girl...

We approached to a white door and he swiped the card for the door to open.
Wait a minute! Does that mean-

"Wait! Are we going to stay here? I mean together in one suite?" I pointed to the room with my left eyebrow lifted.

"Look, this honeymoon gift was offered from John so it's obvious that he will book one suite for us. Now if you don't like it, you can stay under the big tree outside." He told me with a very neutral tone without even taking a single glimpse of me.

Calm down Velina. Close your eyes. Breathe in and breathe out. Okay now open eyes.

What the hell?! Where is he?!

Oh I got him!

He was already in the suite sitting on the silky white couch clearly having fun.

Sighing, I rolled my suitcase with me in the suite and closed the door.

As it was already dawn, the dark cloud has already hidden the beautiful sun as if the clouds did not want us to see the beauty of it. Feeling the great wave of tiredness coming over me, I made my way to the bed. It was huge.
Of course it will be duh! It is a king sized bed afterall! My conscience rolled its eyes.

Wait a minute! Conscience and rolling eyes?! I am definitely going mad staying with this man!

Throwing off my heels, I went to my suitcase and removed my Mickey and Minnie pyjamas.
Don't laugh, okay? This one is my favourite! Even though Ed and Van used to laugh at me when I wear it. Goddd! How much I miss them!

Taking my pjs,my underwear and a towel, I went to the bathroom for a good warm bath.
Once I've done with my warm bath and wearing my pjs, I went to the bedroom for a peaceful sleep.
Whether he likes it or not, I am going to sleep on this bed! I am not going to allow him step on me.

Yep I am so energetic in the morning today that's why I finished this chapter!
Okay so wait for Chapter 15 cause juicy things are coming...hehe😆

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