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Evelina's POV
"Velina at what time did you say he'll be here again?" Mama asked for the tenth time the day. It was starting to irritate me.

"7pm Mama." I replied with a bored tone.

"7pm?! And it's 6pm! Velina! What are you doing with your eyes glued on your phone?! Get up and change! Oh My God!" She started screaming and dragged me to my room.

"Now go! Dress up and do your makeup and other stuff! Your mate is coming Velina! Go! Go!" She practically pushed me and closed the door.

Why is she so excited? And me..well I think I am going to bed. It's 6pm afterall. I can do a small nap and then wake up and dress up. Yeah! Good idea. Then I'll be fresh like a flower.

I jumped on my fluffy bed and hugged my teddy bear tightly close to my breasts. I fell my eyes started drooping and I dozed off within seconds.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Ugh! What is with the bangings?
Groaning I held my aching head and walked towards the door opening it. I lifted my heavy head and opened my left eye to only see a furious Mama staring at me.

"Velina! Adam is already here and you are not even ready! What were you doin-Oh My God! You were sleeping!" She whisper-shouted at me while eyeing me from head to toe.
"Okay...calm down Lena..calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out." She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Velina get ready now. Everyone is waiting for you." Mama had already changed into a beautiful dress and even did her makeup.

"Yeahhh..." I yawned rubbing my right eye.
"You better hurry up Velina." She said sternly and walked off.
Now that I looked at my clothes, they were not that bad. I was wearing a short, a big sized shirt and my hair was well...a huge mess and to top it all off...a drool was winking at me on the corner of my lip. Well it is bad...
But I didn't care. I am who I am and no one can change that.

Opening the door wide, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to take a nice shower so that I could wake my sleepy ass.
I did not know that I was walking to the bathroom while sleeping. Until my head bumped onto something hard yet soft to the touch. I lifted my head and opened my eyes adjusting to the bright lights. Seriously my parents should change these lights they are too damn bright!

I lifted my gaze up to be met by....Ladies and Gentlemen...the one and only Asshole!
Yayy!-Note the sarcasm.

I could not even say hello to him as I have bad breath whenever I wake up from a nap. Now he must think of me as someone who does not have any manners...

I smiled at him and got a huge scowl in return. I did not do anything, I just walked past him to the bathroom.

When I went inside, I started to think what I am going to do now that he must think that I am some spoiled brat!
I opened the shower tap and took my toothbrush and brushed my teeth while showering.
After doing my businesses, I made my way to my room to get dressed.
Since I was hurrying, I just threw on a red dress which I thought was decent and beautiful as I did not want to show too much skin that day.
I did not wear any heavy makeup, I just applied some mascara and a light lip gloss. For my hair, I let them down and proceed on wearing my favourite pair of flats.

Finally, I was ready to go. I opened the door peaking if everything was fine and smooth.
Hearing laughters I was sure that I was safe.

I stepped out of my room and went directly to the hall. Putting on a smile, I greeted.
"Hello John." He stood up from the couch and came to me for a hug.
Then my eyes shifted to him.
Okay. I have to do it.
Still smiling, I approached him.
"Hey Sweetheart." He just cocked an eyebrow in response.
" don't have to be shy in front of my family. We are mates and they understand these things." Then I did something I knew that I was going to regret.
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I felt him stiffen and when I looked up due to my height, I noticed him gritting his teeth as his jawline was hard. He did not smile or did anything. He just stood like a freaking statue. I almost felt I was hugging the male version of the Statue of Liberty.

My brothers did not say anything when we were hugging.
They only eyed us closely.

"Umm...come everyone. Let's have dinner together." Thank you soo much Mama!

We all sat at the expensive wooden table and ready to savour my Mama's delicious spagetti.
"Elena this is delicious." John complimented while eating.

Mama blushed and said.
"Well...thank you John."

As for my brothers, their gazes were stuck on Asshole and I as we were sitting next to each other.

I had to take my time to eat as I have to be careful cause whenever I eat...I devour like a pig and I didn't want to scare the visitors.
I hated it when his mere presence next to me did strange things to me. I could not even concentrate on my food.

"So Adam, you two are going to marry right?" Papa broke the ice. Why Papa? Why?!

I did not say anything. I just kept stuffing the spagetti in my mouth. Poor spagetti..

"Marr-" Before Asshole could even speak, John interrupted.

"Yes. Of course Ethan. But not to hurry, maybe in one months." He said while shooting Asshole a glare while smiling. No one noticed the glare,well except for me.

Since the air was begining to suffocate me, I decided to leave the room.
"Umm..excuse me."
I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to wet my dry throat and to calm my damn nerves.

I drank the water and took a few deep breaths then turned my heels.
Then someone put their hand on my mouth to stop me from making noise. I looked up and saw him.

He dragged me to a wall and pinned me there. My breaths became short. His hand that was on my lips was warm that made me had second thoughts that.... was he that hatred of a person?

Drawing his hand off my lips, he caged my body by putting his both hands either side of me.
"Wha-" I could not finish my sentence as he brought his beautiful merciless face close to me and whispered with so much terror.
"What the hell are you trying to do?!" His eyes were hard that could make anyone tremble.

"I-I don't understand what you are saying." I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together.

"Oh please. Stop your filthy act already!" The tip of his nose touched mine making my breaths become shorter than before. My heart was drumming against my ribs that I thought I would have a heart attack.

Come on Velina! Be strong!
Mustering my courage, I lifted my chin up and said.
"If you think I only have these things to do in my life,well you are highly mistaken Mr Adam Vernom. I have other interesting things to do like not butting in your life. Now will you please remove your hands cause you are invading my personal space." His eyes went from anger to surprise.
Yes I lied...I had to pretend that I have no business in what was happening.

He retreated his hands and I made my way back to the dining table while swinging my hips like I was the boss.

Hellooooo!!! New chapter updated! What do you think of this one? Of Velina? And more importantly...of Adam?

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