The New Girl

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Ophelia's pic on top.☝😍

Evelina's POV.
"Evelina! You really should talk to Nathaniel! He does nothing but flirt with the girls!" Pauline complained glaring at Nathaniel.

Pauline, Nathaniel, Stephanie and Anderson was standing in front of me like pupils came to complain to their teacher.

"Hey you should be thankful! You got so many customers because of me that day!" Nathaniel argued with a high pitched voice.

"Boy you really should control your damn voice with me! I am not one of your pink minions!" Pauline pointed her finger at him.

"Oh really then- Wait what? Pink minions? Where does that come from?" Nathaniel cocked an eyebrow in confused.

"The blind girls who sees you as the 'hottest and cutest boy ever' you retard!" Pauline switched her voice to a more girly one when she mentioned the 'hottest and cutest boy ever' part.

My head was ready to explode. I could not take it anymore. Stephanie and Anderson did their best in calming these two 'kids' down. They were in between them stopping them from pulling each others hair off or nose, or any body parts off.

"Both of you stop fighting!" I raised my voice and they immediately ceased their childish behaviour.

"Pauline you should calm down." I told her earning laughs from Nathaniel. Clearly enjoying the sweet moment.

"And you! Nathaniel you should work more than flirt with customers. You should be more strict with your work. You are not here to have fun but to work. Understood?" I asked both of them and they nodded like they are being scolded by their mother.

"Get back to work now." I said dismissing them but then I remembered something.

"Oh wait! You were saying the other day that there is a new girl?" I asked thinking of how she would be.

"Yes I think she will be here shortly. It is her first day afterall." Anderson replied.

A new girl was supposed to come that day. She is Stephanie's friend and apparently she was in need of work so being the good Stephanie she suggested in working with us.

Minutes later, I heard soft knocks on my door. Confused looks were written on all over our faces.

"Come in." I said with my most serious voice.

The door cracked opened and a tall and slender woman walked in. She has beautiful white hair almost like snow. Freckles manifested on her nose giving her a divine look with her gorgeous chocolate face and the part which caught me off guard of most of all was her eyes. They were a mix of grey and blue, reminding me of someone's when I first encounter him.
I must be imagining things!

She smiled awkwardly at me and then I realised that I was freaking staring at her.
Woww you just scared her...

Clearing my throat, I asked.
"You are Stephanie's friend, I suppose."

"Yes I am Ma'am." Her voice was smooth almost like a baby skin.

"Oh please call me Evelina and by the way what is your name?" I asked her smiling.

"Ophelia." She replied gripping her bag tightly.
Maybe she is nervous...

"Okay so Ophelia this is our friends. Here we don't do these boss and employer thing. We are all like a big family and we are glad in welcoming you." I explained her.

After explaining other stuffs about work, I dismissed them. Then I started doing some paperworks to keep me busy. Oh and yes, I finally got my damned plasters off! It really was a pain in the neck. Though I managed in walking in short heels.

Unfortunately these paperworks did not do a great job in keeping me busy as bathroom kiss reeled in my mind continuously.

I felt my face burning and my ears becoming hot. Urghh not again!

Everytime I remember that moment I feel uneasy.

It was intense and since that day, I keep myself away from the Satanic Asshole as long as possible. As for showers, well I asked either my Mama or the girl gang to come and help me. I could not take any risk after what happened.

Placing my head on the table, I tried forgetting his sensual kiss and touches.

Smacking my cheeks with my chubby palms, I continued working on the paperworks.

"Goodbye and goodnight everybody." I said hugging everyone.

"Ahh I am free at last!" Nathaniel said and immediately got a smack on his head from Pauline.

We all laughed at their childish behaviour. These two will never change...

"So Ophelia, is it good here? I mean how do you feel like working here?" I asked her as I wanted to know if she got along with everyone.

"It is great Evelina. It is so nice to work here. I feel comfortable here." She smiled showing her straight white teeth again reminding of him.
Jeez! Even her teeth!
Maybe some coincidence...

Then everyone exited the restaurant and I shut the door on lock and key. Sighing I made my way to the black sleek car waiting for me.
This Satanic Asshole really does not listen! I did told him that I did not want to be fetched at the restaurant but no! He is too stubborn!

The drive was long but not tiresome as Stefan and I brought up some interesting conversation. He was talking about his wife and children. Sure Stefan was a handsome young man around 30 years old. But he had already built a family and he loves them very much.

After 45 minutes we finally reached and he opened the door for me. I alighted from the expensive vehicle and made my way to the house but not before saying goodbye to Stefan.

It was already dark and it was freezing like someone had chugged ice cubes in my jeans. I rang the doorbell and waited for Aline. She immediately opened the door wide and let me in.

"My dear it is very cold lately. You should wear warmer clothes." She pointed my loose blouse. Yes I did not wear any pullovers or jackets that day.

"I really need to wear." I said rubbing my palms together.

"Adam hasn't returned yet?" I asked checking my watch.

"No. He hasn't." She shook her head and immediately proposed me.
"Evelina why don't you have a hot shower and then you come and have some hot chocolate with me until Adam comes?" She wiggled her eyebrows know I would definitely agree.

"Sounds like a plan." I then proceeded my way to the bathroom and had a very hot shower. When I was done, I dressed up in a very comfortable winter PJs and I descended for the hot chocolate.

"Aline this is heaven." I could not stop these words coming from my mouth as I felt the warmth of the liquid travelling in my throat.

"This cold weather deserves this treat." She held her mug near her mouth and occasionally blew into it.

My eyes hit the clock in front of me more than three times.
Where the hell is he? Why is he so late? Has he even went to-


As if on cue, I heard the doorbell rang.
"I think this doorbell is for you Evelina and it is also my time to leave." She drank the remaining of her mug and then she went to take her handbag.

I walked to the door and opened it with great effort. My heart was beating. When the door opened, it reveal the handsome Satan. His eyes were glowing and they reminded me of Ophelia...

Now now now...who is this Ophelia? Wanna know? Then meet me on next chapter! Bye!❤

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