Adam and Eve

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Evelina's POV.
Stirring slightly, I felt arms holding me tightly possessively as if they were glued to me.

I peeled my tired eyes open with great difficulty. Once my eyes were open, the first thing I saw was Adam's gorgeous face with the sun highlighting his every flawless features. His nose was so pointy, his eyelashes were so thick and long, his cheeks were a little flushed,his eyebrows were brought together as if he was calculating a Mathematics problem soving question and his lips were swollen and pinkish. Plus to top it all off, his soft silky hair had that messy hair all over the place. He looked so peaceful yet so sexy. 

Unconsciously, I smiled at him and brought my chubby fingers to his cheek and caress it tenderly. Feeling his scruff against my fingers. By just a single touch made my heart skipped a beat. My chest heaved as I breathed fastly.
This is so weird...I have never imagined I would have such a great husband by my side....

Tempted by his hotness, I neared my face to his bring my lips to his plum inviting ones. I was inches far from his delicious lips. My heart raced. My breathes became uneven. The only thought crossed my mind was to just kiss his lips senselessly. To just taste his lips once more even thought we did kiss lot starting from midnight.

I could hear my heart drummed as I inched my lips closer to his. My lips parted slightly and ready to take in those tasty lips.

I was very much near to his lips when Adam's eyes snapped open. Instictively, my brown iries were brought up meeting his hot red ones. Suddenly I felt heat washed over me. My face felt hot. My heart pounded.

Adam looked at me intensely and a sexy smirk made its way to his lips. Why is he so sexy?!

Not able to restrain the intense desire running through my body, I slammed my hot lips onto his plum ones, feeling the softness of them. My hands made their way to his hair tugging on it with my legs tangle even more with his.

Adam flipped me over in one swift movement with our lips still connected. His hands travelled on my hot skin making it even hotter with desire. I was still naked from midnight so of course my skin was like an inviting dish for him.

His fingers lingered on my breasts caressing them with so much patience. He was taking his sweet time taking in every part of me.

We parted breathing heavily. I stared at Adam. His arms were either side of me, caging me. I suddenly felt hot again.

"Goodmorning, my Eve." Adam said placing a sweet kiss on both of my cheeks.
This man will surely drive me crazy in love!

"Goodmorning, my Adam." I brought my palms to his face cupping his cheeks then placed a hot peck on his lips.

"I cannot get enough of those lips." Adam said lowering his head and brought his lips to mine, devouring every inch of them.

I felt weak at my knees. Even though I already felt that sensation before with Adam, still this feeling was new to me. It was like every time was a new experience for me. And I loved it and treasured it.

"Up for another round, my Eve?" Adam asked with pure desire dancing in his red iries with the sexy smirk playing on his lips.

"We had three rounds, Adam." I said blankly.

"Uh-Uh...We had five rounds my Eve. I know it is difficult to count when you were screaming my name." Adam whispered in my ears. My eyes widen and I could felt my face on fire.

I could not even imagine how the hell this man could be so horny when we had over three rounds....five rounds that is.

"How can you....I mean we had just like you said five rounds..." I said almost talking to myself.

"What can I do, my Eve? You are my drug. I am highly addicted to those lips, those eyes, that desirable body of say it all I am addicted to YOU." His voice was husky and it was coated with love. I stared at Adam with admiration gleaming in my eyes.

"Then get even more addicted to your drug...." I whispered with my chubby hand caressing his cheeks.

"Are you sure you can take it, Eve?" Adam asked with concern in his voice.

I nodded at him and then he kissed me one more time but this time there was more dominance in this kiss. His hands made their way to my body, caressing and teasing my skin.

My moans were muffled by the kiss. His mere touch could trigger the turn on pistol. And it really hit me hard.

My core was on fire. It was begging for attention. I could not take it anymore when Adam's long finger lingered on my nipple. It was teasing the hell out of me. My hands instictively found their way to his back running my hands on it.

We broke the kiss and Adam continued showering honey coated kisses on jawline to my neck. Then making his way with his lips to my collarbone, living a lovebite which I assume would be pretty hard to conceal afterwards.

"I love you so much, my Eve." With that being said Adam, pushed me into ectasy. I could not take it any longer.

"Adam...." I moaned. I could not recognise my voice. It croaked almost like a frog but did I care? No.

I brushed off all my thoughts and enjoyed the moment.

Adam reached forward and kissed me again. His lips were hot and captivating mine.

His hands were all on my body embracing me with all he had. I felt protected with him. I felt...loved, like anybody could love me like he loved me.

"I love you my Adam." I said with a new wave of tiredness wash over me.

"I love you too my beautiful Eve." Adam said giving me peck.

Hello everybody! Soo sorry for not updating lately! Finally I got rid of that asshole of my mobile! I got a new one so I will post quicker than I used to usually! 😉

Anyway! This is a pretty hot chapter, I guess... 😋

Tell me what you think of this chapter! And don't forget to hit that star! Love ya! Bye.❤

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