Chapter Two

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Lance is silent the entire meeting, but something is wrong. He frowns when he hears the last proposal for the alliance. "I apologize, but may you please repeat that?" Allura inquires, her face showing her frown. Everyone looks at each other unsure about it. They know that this is one of the most important alliances, this is one of the planets that can help beat the Galra. The thing this man just said is crazy. They all look at Allura who seems to be contemplating on the deal. She doesn't like it, it's a weird thing for them to do.

"One of you has to hold their breath under water for the longest time against a few other competitors. If you win, then maybe we can see about that alliance." Lance notices the looks of concern and worry, his lips pressed to a thin line. He stands and carefully walks to the Emperor. He leans down and whispers something before getting a nod of confirmation, walking back to his seat. The other Paladins and the two Alteans stare at him, wondering what he just told him. They don't have to wonder any longer. "Well, then, we have our challenger. Meeting adjourned."

  Lance sits at the table, his eyes studying his silent teammates. Shiro and Allura seem to be extremely against the idea while everyone else is shocked by what the thalassophile just agreed to. "Lance, why did you agree to such an absurd idea?" Shiro questions staring at the blue Paladin. He tries to wrap his mind around it but it's difficult to. "How can you endanger your own life so easily?"

The Cuban takes a deep breath, his eyes glinting with some idea. "I'm a thalassophile, I grew up near the sea. I've come close to drowning several times, so I can hold my breath for a lot longer than you can ever think," he admits, his voice seeming to be less raspy than before. He sits back, waiting for them to try and talk him out.

  "What's a thalassophile?" Coran tilts his head in confusion as he gapes at the Paladin. Everyone seems to be confused by the use of word, also very concerned for the boy who is nonchalant about the fact he could've died a few times.

"Someone who loves the sea," he puts in simple terms. He shrugs and closes his eyes as he leans his head against the back of the chair, crossing his arms. "But, seriously, Allura said that this alliance is extremely important, and it's just me holding my breath under water. Blue is the Guardian of Water. I am her Paladin. Let me attempt this."

"No!" cries the green Paladin, slamming her hand on the table. She is glaring harshly at the Latino who she sees as an older brother. "What if you die?"

  "I won't. I will come back up for air. I'm a great swimmer."

  "You almost drowned a few times." Of course, Keith always to be the one to be blunt about things.

  "When I was younger," he retorts with a deadpan look on his face. His eyes darken with annoyance since this is not where he is trying to get at. He knows that this is an important mission, he understands the value of an alliance over one life. He is willing to do this for the sake of the universe. "Or what? You think you're better at holding your breath longer than I? Or is it that..." he trails off pausing, thinking of how he needs to word the next sentence before shaking his head. "Look, Keith, it's suffice to say that I'm the better candidate here if it means to make an alliance with this planet."

The others seem to be hesitant but he is right. Surprisingly, he is right. Shiro narrows his eyes when he watches him get up and leave, looking over to the others. "Have you all noticed the way he's been acting?"

"Yes, and frankly if he keeps up this attitude, he's going to have to change soon or else," Allura cuts in. Her eyes hold annoyance as she crosses her arms. "I know he is training, I know he is working hard but if he continues to goof off and be the way he is right now, it's going to start affecting Voltron."

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