Chapter Three

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Coran knows that Lance is right about Linath working with the Galra. If it's more than five feet of water, there's no way that it's for competition. He frowns deeply as he speaks with Allura about what Lance found out. Of course, she doesn't believe it. She doesn't want to because it'd cost them an alliance with a worthy planet. Lance listens to her with slump shoulders and a frown. "Allura, are you really wanting to risk Lance's life for something as an alliance?" He isn't happy with the princess's decision, for why should Lance have to do this? It isn't fair! This is the most absurd way to make an alliance with a planet! How does Allura think that this is okay? How is holding one's breath under water be okay for making an alliance with others?

"Hunk, I understand what you are worried about, but this is war so Allura's right. What's one life over an entire galaxy?" Lance cuts in before anyone can say anything else. His words striking them as they stare at him, not believing how serious Lance can get. Hunk has seen him serious at times but this is just a weird side for him, that and his angry side is not a good thing to see. So he would take serious Lance over angry Lance any day. "We need this alliance, but it won't be an alliance if they are..."

"Are what?" Emperor Linath's beady and snake-like eyes bores into him. He came in at the right time, he muses, staring at the one that seems to have let the rat out of the bag. Oh, how the rats on the planet are so good. Maybe he can eat this one if he survives that is. Coran tenses up as does Lance. "Oh, Lance what did I tell you? You don't want to be the cause of this alliance to fall, right?"

Lance stays silent, his eyes darkening with anger. Hunk notices, knowing that Lance doesn't get angry like that without a reason. His safest bet is to take a step back as he watches his best friend take a breath and looks away. "I apologize Emperor Linath, I will take the deal. I'll show you my patience and we can work this all out. Call me for when it starts."

"No, don't go. It'll start now, follow me."

Lance glances over to his friends who seem to look at him with concern. Allura has the faint look of concern but she doesn't try to protest. He sighs, straightening his posture and walking behind the Emperor. Coran notice the look he sent to him and nods as he leads them out. "Just keep your guard up."

"Wait, why?" Pide inquires. She loves knowledge and hates that some hide things from her, especially with something like this. What is going on and what was Lance going to say? She has to ask, needs to know. "What was Lance going to say?"

"He believes that they may be in league with the Galra. I believe it after seeing what the Emperor did to the boy. Let's just keep our guard up and hope that Lance may be wrong with this."

"That's absurd! Why would Lance ever think that?" Allura is fuming as she clenches and unclenches her hands. She doesn't get why her Paladin would say that! It's an absurd idea for this is one of the peaceful planets. She doesn't get an answer but she sighs and follows them out. Albeit being skeptical, she keeps her guard up.

* * *

"Come down to the Black Sea swimming with me. Ah-oh. Go down with me. Fall with me. Let's make it worth it." Lance is struggling to breathe. The contest is fake just as he suspected, but it doesn't matter if he did suspect it or not—he needs to get out of the water. The weight they tied around his ankle is pulling him down, keeping him from trying to get back up. He tries to swim up but he can't. Eight minutes. That's all he has. He can't do it. He remembers the knife he has stowed away and grabs it, cutting the ropes. He holds the knife as he swims up. His eyes wide as he pants and swims to get out of the water, what he finds just causes his blood to boil. Coran is tied up with Allura and his eyes darken with complete rage. He unties them and makes his way to Blue. "Sabía que no debíamos hacer una alianza." Lance is still coughing having gotten a bit of water in his lungs. He connects into the comms while doing so as a way to let them know he's there.

"Lance! You okay?" Shiro's voice cuts through the comms. He earns a grunt in response along with a slight cough before getting affirmation of the boy being okay. They attack the Galra fighters. Allura and Coran have made their way to the ship and are now helping them.

As the battle continues on, something snaps when Lance misses a shot almost hitting Pidge. "Lance! Watch what you're doing!"

  He doesn't bother apologizing, thinking it'll only be a waste of breath and he'll only receive a negative response back. They continue to fight with Lance missing another shot but luckily not hitting anyone on his team. He ignores the scolding, doing his best to keeping them all safe.

Once at the castle and away from the planet, Shiro is scolding him because of his performance. Coran seems to be the only one who remembers that he almost drowned today and talks to him about going to the infirmary. "I just want to make sure the water pressure didn't harm you."

Lance gives him a tired smile. "Thank you, Coran, but it's alright. I'm fine just really tired at the moment." He knows Coran might have to force him but he really didn't want to bother him. "If I have difficulty breathing, I'll come looking for you. Is that fine with you?"

Coran ponders over the suggestion and sighs, nodding. "Okay. But if I find out that you lied, I'm forcing you to take a break from Voltron. I won't keep you from missions but I'll keep you from training."

Lance nods softly and heads to his room. There, he changes and looks in a retractable mirror that occupies part of the interior of a wall. He looks at the bruises that litters his naturally tanned skin and sighs. He will have to work harder, will have to work harder to stop being so useless. He quickly puts on his clothes and makes his way out of the room, heading to the kitchen to get a snack. There Hunk gives him a small smile. Lance returns it albeit hesitantly, rubbing his wrists.

Silence hangs in the air. It's thick and suffocating, odd and uncomfortable. Hunk glances at the silent Lance. He's tapping the table with the pad of his finger as to not make any sound that'll bother Hunk. It's weird seeing the overly hyper boy be silent and somewhat still. "Did Shiro get onto you again?" Silence. No look. No joke. Nothing. He stares at the surface of the table. "Lance, it's okay. He's just stressed. After all, you were still recovering from almost..." he trails off in remembering what almost happened to his best friend. "Lance, don't ever do that again. Next time, if you have a bad feeling, tell us."

"Why?" The question is small and quiet that the Samoan teen had to strain his ears to head. It caught him by surprise. "I will," he says louder so he guesses that he wasn't supposed to have heard the small question.

The Yellow Paladin says nothing but watches as his best friend walks away. Something is wrong just what? He doesn't know, but he wants to figure it out. He flinches when he hears Kieth yelling at Lance, he stays in the kitchen not wanting to get caught in the middle of the fight. He is confused when he doesn't hear Lance firing back like usual.

Lance on the ground with Kieth looming over him and throwing an insult. "Everything would be better if you just don't talk! Or better yet, leave!" Lance stares at him with wide eyes but he does nothing. He takes it and leaves once Kieth is gone, his eyes drooping with exhaustion. He's tired of everything. Having thought that things would change, he realizes that he's only naive and he is the one who has to change. Everything would be better if you just don't talk! Or better yet, leave! He didn't mean that, he was just mad, right? But even if he didn't mean it, it's true. Then, he makes a promise to himself: if things do not let up in a month, he will leave.

For now, he will work harder than what he has.

Well, a lot of things happen in a month, so Lance good luck. Now, what will happen next? Should I bring in the Blade of Mamora or no? Meh I have an idea for them to contribute to this story anyway.

Why Do I Matter Now?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora