Chapter Nine

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The next day, Lance watches the team train since he was excused from any form of training until he gets rid of any physical strain and has eaten and rested well. Pidge basically slept with him as to keep an eye on him, her excuse was that she couldn't sleep. Even if he isn't all too happy with them, he still cared for them, especially Pidge, the girl reminds him too much of his own sister. He comforted her and they both fell asleep holding onto each other like nothing had happened. Allura found them that way the next morning and smiled softly, knowing that they might have a chance.

  At the end of the training session, they watch over the recording of them. Lance shows them how they're doing better about listening to each other. "But, it's still lacking. Hunk, you're lacking balance, I can help you with that but it'll be awkward for you."

  "Uh, why?"

  They don't like the mischievous smirk on his face but it's nice to see him acting in such a way. "Dancing is quite helpful for balance, without balance you look like a chicken attempting to do the tango. Of course, a chicken can dance better than one without balance." He chuckles at a sudden memory of seeing a chicken zapateando. He notices the looks and grins widely. "Pidge knows what I'm talking about."

  Pidge blinks before her face lights up, falling into a fit of laughter. "I remember that! That was a funny video." Hunk raises an eyebrow at that since he doesn't know what they're talking about. "Oh, yeah, you weren't there when he showed me the video. It was when you had fell ill and Lance and I had to go get some supplies to take care of you. It was weird, he started doing something with his fe...that." She points to Lance's feet. There is a rhythm that he keeps up for a few seconds, but it shows what they mean.

"Zapateó is a Latin American dance. There are many different ways the other countries do it but yeah. Abuela taught my sister and me a variety of dances." He shrugs and looks at Hunk. "But no, seriously. Dancing can help you center your gravity and be quick and light on your feet."

"Really? Dancing?"

  "Yes, Keith, dancing." Lance leans forward, his expression blank for a few seconds before his lips stretching to a smirk. He pivots on his heel, turning to look at the monitor. He goes on with what they need help with before then bidding them a farewell and walking out to his room. He needs to do a face mask and probably listen to some music, basically he needs some good rest. The Blue Paladin murmurs to himself, coming up with different things he can do.

  Waking up, he feels that something's cutting his airway. His eyes widen as he gasps for air, shifting onto his side. He kicks his blankets off of him, rising up on his elbow as he tries to get in oxygen, coughing as he moves into a position that can help him breath better, opening his airways. He slowly comes to a stop, his breathing evening as he lays there on his bed, blankly staring at the wall across from himself.* Shaking, he rises back up and leans his back against the wall. He sits there, beads of sweats rolling down the side of his face. It has been so long since something like that had happened to him, something that he doesn't get why it happened since he doesn't have anything physically wrong with him.

A knock sounds at his door and he tells them to come in. Shiro stands there, his face showing his concern. "Lance? Are you okay? Blue seemed to be panicked."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He smiles at him, trying to convince him that he is really okay. It isn't a lie, he is okay, the breathing thing isn't going to kill him, after all it hasn't yet. He had deemed it as nonlethal years ago. It isn't that bad. He swears that it's isn't. Something drops onto his arm. Looking down, he finds a spot of red on it as more drops follow it. His eyes widen again, placing his hand against his nose and running to the rest room. He leans over the sink, watching the blood drip from his nose and into it. It's a terrible nosebleed and he isn't sure what brought it one. Why does this have to happen now?

"Lance!" Shiro runs to the bathroom's door, standing and watching as the Cuban stays hunched over the sink and not doing anything to stop the flow of the crimson liquid. He walks over and grabs a rag, moving the boy's face to place it onto. "What happened?"

"I don't know. It's been so long since this has happened. I just simply woke from a nap," he murmurs as he stares at the blood covered lavabo, and at his stained hands. Shiro helps him wash his hands and the sink, leading him to the lounge. Lance advises Pidge to get a cool, wet rag for him after they ask what's wrong upon seeing his figure. He lays down, ignoring the protests of Shiro swiping the male's hands from his nose and holds the rag against his nose. Pidge comes back with the wet rag and he takes it, placing it on his forehead like how his mother advised him to do.*

"I'm fine guys, it's just a minor nose bleed." Lance breathes softly as he stares up at the ceiling, wondering to himself. How could this happen at the same time? "Yes, Shiro this is actually minor. I've had worse when I was twelve. I had to clean the sheets from where a puddle of blood stained the sheets because of the massive nose bleeds I'd get. My sister hated them since she had to clean them at times as well." He let out a soft chuckle.

  "That doesn't sound good, Lance. Do you know what caused them?" Ah, Pidge and her want to know things, he thinks.

  "The doctors wrote it off as pollen allergies and my nasal passages being dried up." Which is true, that is what they said it was. Although, Lance didn't know if he should believe it. It was just weird since it rarely happened to him when he was younger. Oh well.

  The team stare at him before looking at each other and blinking. They aren't sure how to take such information, but when it comes to Lance, they barely knew how to take any of his words. Although, they know it'll take a little more time, but they have a feeling they'd be forgiven, but until then, they'll have to appreciate what they have. Who knows when it'll be taken from them?

Okay! So I apologize for the lack of updates mostly because writer's block hit while in the middle of writing this chapter. And sad to say, I have a feeling that this should be the last chapter, after all I don't want to write that he forgives them mostly because I kind of don't want him to, yeah...

Also! The parts where it has the * on it in this chapter. I have had this happen to me. During 6th grade, my nosebleeds were terrible and came for no reason. The feeling of not being able to breathe only happens a few times a month and after I wake up or about to sleep. It sucks and I have no clue why it happens, nor am I going to tell my parents about it.

So yes, this may be the end. I thank all of y'all for the support. <3

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