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Thomas' POV

I'm still staying with Kaya. It's only been a few days but I'm too scared to go back, Rosa knows she can stay there for days waiting for me.

I don't know why she's so scared of letting me go. It's not like she's ugly and can't get a man because honestly, she's gorgeous.

When I met her she took my breath away and I fell pretty damn hard for her. When we first started talking she had the best personality; funny, loving and everything you'd want in a girl.

When she knew I had fell for her, that's when she had started taking advantage of me. I was so confused, every night I thought to myself what happened to the girl I first met? The one who always laughed at my stupid jokes, the one who cared about my feelings.

The truth was, that girl I once met was gone. Long, long gone and she wasn't coming back.

It did hurt me when I realised the girl I fell in love with was pretty much non-existent but that made me realise she wasn't the one for me.

Also, a boy named Will made me realise I didn't love her. Will was a really good friend of mine last year, we're still friends; just not as close.

But Will was the first person I told about all the stuff that happened between me and Rosa, and while I was crying into his arms, he kissed me.

That kiss was way better than what Rosa had ever kissed me, and I loved it. I did want to spend the rest of my life with him, but when Rosa wouldn't leave I couldn't be with him.

I don't like him like that anymore, but I miss him. I miss how I always had to go on my tiptoes to tell him something secret because he's tall as fuck. I miss how we used to joke about his eyebrows and how they were 'devil eyebrows'. I missed it all.

Because when I was going through the worst part of the abuse, he cheered me up. I could have been in the worst mood ever and he could still get me to crack a smile or laugh. And I loved it.

Every second I spent with Will was the best. But that changed when he moved to America to film a movie, because he was offered a roll.

I can't even explain how much I miss him, he was the closest thing to me. Then me and Kaya got closer and here we are.

I could go on for hours about how much I love Will and Kaya, ever since my dad kicked me out for being gay, it only made me love them more. Because Will acts like he's my dad; he loved to 'protect' me and made sure I was okay.

Now I'm sat next to Kaya watching A Series Of Unfortunate Events and she's obsessed with it. I love Kaya so much and I don't want her to ever leave me. She's my best friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

i hate myself, why did i have to make thomas and will kiss? i mean i guess it could be a cute ship but i only ship their friendship.

because c'mon, their friendship is gold and i love them both with all my heart and whoof.

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