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Dylan's Point Of Veiw.

I'm nervously intertwining my fingers together, waiting for Thomas to call me after he said he'd prefer if he would call me because his friend was talking with him.

Now I'm thinking about how Tyler said I'm 'in love' with Thomas, which I don't think is true. Maybe I will, but right now I don't know what to feel. I'm just going to wait for him to call me, if I'm really nervous like this maybe it's true. Maybe I am in love?

I'm just going to wait. And wait. He shouldn't take too long, I hope not anyway.

Ring ring.

Thomas. It's Thomas. He's calling me. I quickly swiped to answer and there he was, his hair all messed up from where he'd been in bed and he did look beautiful.

"Hey, Dyl." He says, sending a small wave.

I smile and wake back, "Hi Tommy."

We talk about random things for a few minutes, like how he likes reading a lot and just stupid things.

"Your hairs so messy, Tommy." I say laughing.

"I was napping, leave me and my fabulous hair alone." He replies giggling.

"It's really fabulous. You look a lot better with messy hair." I admit.

He was looking down before I said it, when I said it he looks up immediately. Then starts blushing a shade of light red. It's adorable, his blush makes him look so cute.

"No I-I don't." The blonde boy says stuttering.

"You do." I say, smiling at him.

"If you say so; but I don't." He says, looking around to hide the fact he's blushing.

"You are, end of discussion." I laughed.

We spent another 5 minutes talking about stupid things and it actually made me happy. It's not like I'm depressed and emo and never smile, because I do.

But he made me feel even better, as cliché as that sounds.

"Wait, Dyl?" Thomas asks.

"Yeah, Tommy." I say.

"Where do you live again? I'm coming to LA in a few days and I think it was you that told me you live there." He tells me, smiling slightly.

"WHAT." I shout, earning a yell from Tyler downstairs. Thomas let out a giggle and I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" Thomas asks.

"YOU'RE COMING TO LA!" I squeal.

Thomas giggles and then nods a 'yes' and now I'm getting too excited. It's even better because I live about 5 minutes away from the airport.

"I'm leaving tomorrow night and I should get there at about 5 in the morning." He said.

"I will stay up all night waiting for you." I say.

"No, you need your sleep." Thomas insisted, he more demanded me to go to sleep instead of waiting up for him.

"Why are you coming here anyway?" I ask.

"I'm visiting family, but I told my sister I'll leave a few minutes early, I'm dying to see you." Tommy told me, smiling.

"I'm guaranteed to start crying when I see you, Tommy." I admit.

"I'm so–"

"DYLAN!" Tyler yelled from the top of his voice.

"One second, you'll hear how much of a dick he is." I laugh.

"WHAT?" I ask.

"DONT WHAT ME, WERE SOPHISTICATED LADIES" Tyler giggles, putting a really posh accent on.

"SHUT UP, TYLER." I yell down to him.

Thomas is sat there laughing, watching me get slightly annoyed at Tyler for disrupting.

"SORRY MOM." He shouts.

After about 10 seconds of me and Thomas laughing and trying to recover from how much we laughed, Tyler walks in.

"What up, bitches." Tyler says, winking at Thomas.

"Tyler. Leave." I demand.


I walk over to him and knee him in his outer thigh.

"You can stay, but any dirty jokes or anything to embarrass me my knee will be in a place where the sun doesn't shine." I growled, I was kind of joking but I tried to make it sound serious.

"Fineee." He says.

"Don't forget I'm still here." Thomas says.

"Oh yes, Thomas this is Tyler. Tyler, this is Thomas" I say.


I slap him, this time on his inner thigh and he screamed quietly.

"Fuck." Tyler says.

I look at Thomas and he was blushing a dark red, staring at the floor.

"Tyler you're so dead." I laughed.

"Sorry, Thomas." I apologise, while blushing like a huge tomato.

"D-Don't worry Dyl." Thomas stuttered out.

"I'll be back shortly, give me a minute." I say softly. Thomas nodded and smiled, still blushing.

I walk down the stairs trying to find Tyler, I know I thought I wasn't in love with him. But now he pointed out for real that I'm 'in love' with Thomas, while he was there, maybe it's true.

Heyo, I'm so tired and ugh and schools so tiring. But I'm trying to write a lot of chapters so I don't run out of chapters and take ages to update so yay

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