Chapter 38

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Ryder's POV

"She'll be fine" I heard the doctor say. "Just let her rest for a while and when she wakes up, have her take the medications I left" Micah nodded and showed our doctor out of the room, but before he left, he turned and said something to us.

"Oh, and um, I suggest that you guys take her to therapy sessions" he said, gesturing to the bandages around the wounds on her wrist. He placed a small card on the bedside table. "That's the number for a therapist who's close by. She's very good and if you care so much about your friend, you'll advise her to at least try it out" He then bid us his goodbyes and left.

My gaze travelled over to Dori's pale, unconscious body.

I can't believe she did this. I can't believe she tried and almost succeeded.

I ran my hands over my face and sighed. The reality that I could have lost her etched itself into my brain.

Twice in one day.

I wanted to kill any and everyone who had a part to play in the pain and hurt she endured in her life, that led her to commit such an act. She didn't deserve this. I would take all her pain away if I could without a second thought.

Dennis picked up the card off the table and put it in his pocket.  "Come on Princess" he whispered, leaning over to the side of her bed. "Wake up"

Then, her finger moved.
Dori's POV




You worthless, good for nothing girl!


Embarrassing piece of shit!

"Momma, stop!"

"Shut up, you piece of trash!"

My pathetic life flashed before my eyes. The insults swirled around in my head and played over and over like a broken record.

You should've never been born!

I regret the day I had you!

I should've made your mother get rid of you the day I found out she was pregnant!

You're better off dead!

So many things have happened to me in the span of 17 years. I've been abused, physically and mentally. I've been bullied by everyone at my school since I was 8. I've been an outcast, I've been neglected, rejected, raped and to top it all off, I'm being hunted.

I really would be better off dead, but I'm not. I wish i was.

"Come on Princess" I heard a soft, soothing voice whisper. I knew that voice. Was it speaking to me?

"Wake up" it whispered again. At that point it hit me. Dennis! Dennis was here.

I tried to open my mouth to speak but I couldn't. It felt as if it was glued shut. I couldn't open my eyes either. I couldn't move any part of my body.

I tried again, willing any part of my body to move. Nothing. Then I felt my fingers twitch.

"She moved!" I heard someone exclaim. Kruz! I tried moving again to let them know that I had heard them. My fingers twitched again.

"Dori, can you hear me?" I knew that British accent anywhere. Ryder. Yes I can hear you!

"Dori?" He said again.  "If you can hear me, move your fingers again" I tried to move them but I couldn't.

Move retarded limbs!

I tried again with no luck. But I wouldn't give up. I tried again and again until, my hand moved a couple millimetres. It wasn't much but it was something.

I heard exclamations all over the room. I smiled internally.

Now if my body would just cooperate...

"Dori, baby" I felt a hand on my cheek. "You're ok. Everything's going to be fine. Just please wake up" he sounded defeated. Almost as if he had given up. My heart pained at the thought that I was the cause of it.

I had been so selfish, deciding to end my life without thinking about how broken I could have left them. They were the only person who ever really cared about me and I was just going to leave them behind. The people who came into my life and made it better, made vows to keep me safe, made me feel some sort of happiness and peace within myself.

I had to try to wake up, for them. I had to try to bear the awful life I was living for them. I had to do it for them.

I forced myself with everything I had to open my eyes. They slowly fluttered open and was immediately greeted by four handsome faces that had hopeful expressions written on them.

"Holy shit! She's waking up" Kruz said.

"Would you shut the hell up!" Micah said as he hit him upside the head which resulted in Kruz hitting him back on the arm.

Micah took a deep breath then tackled Kruz to the ground. Dennis rolled his eyes, then proceeded to part the war, which then left me face to face with Ryder.

"Hey" he said softly with a small smile on his face as he caresed my cheek. "How are you feeling?"

I took a deep breath and tried to speak but no sound came out. I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned a bit at the fact that I couldn't speak.

Ryder chuckled a bit. "It's ok. Take your time, you don't have to say anything"

I looked around and realized that I wasn't in my room. I was in the same room I was in earlier before I decided know..

Ryder caught on to my puzzled look. "You're in my room. You have been since I found you in the alley. That was a few hours ago. It's 6:24 now"

I nodded my head, indicating that I understood.

I opened my mouth again to ask for a glass of water but once again found myself unable to speak. Ryder however, mysteriously read my mind and held a glass up to mouth. I gulped down the contents eagerly.

"A little thirsty are we?" He chuckled and I smirked.

"What the fu-!" I heard Micah shout. "Let go of my hair!"

Ryder rolled his eyes. "Would you idiots get off the bloody floor and come talk to your friend who has just woken up before I kick your retarded selves out of the damn room"

At that, the boys shot up looking as disheveled as if they had fought with a bear. Their hair was sticking up alot of places and their clothes were not fixed right on their bodies.

"Dori!" Kruz was the first to hug me, but not tightly. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I missed you! Don't you dare try to leave me again!"

He got up and gave me a warm smile and looked at me with watery eyes.

"Move!" Dennis said. "It's my turn"

"I'm not done yet!" Kruz whined.

"I don't care. Move or you'll never see bread in this house again"

Kruz gasped dramatically and held a had to his chest. "You wouldn't dare"

"I swear on the life of bread, I will do it"

I laughed at that two idiots. I can't believe I almost left them behind.

As long as I had them, I was never gonna leave.

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