Chapter 8: Potions

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Two days had passed since Blaise and Hermione announced their relationship to the blond male. 

Hermione and Draco shared glances during classes, and awkward nods when they bumped into one another in the hallway. Draco couldn't come to the thought of his best friend and his – his roommate being in a relationship when they never had a proper conversation with each other – hell, they never even looked at each other before. 

Draco had gotten to potions early that morning, he sat in his allocated seat. Pieces of parchment were placed messily on the table, all sorts of potions in vials, and the occasional feather of a bird. 

Draco had his feather, dipping it into the ink – scrawling unknown images onto the piece of parchment that lay before him.

His thoughts interrupted his sudden interest in drawing, the thought of Hermione, of course. He thought back to when he opened up for the first time - the day he had sobbed immensely in the shower - and how she eased his worries and pain. He also remembered the day she had walked in on him with Rose. He chuckled at the memory. He began to think about the emotion that ran through his veins when Blaise had assured him that it was no lie, that he and Hermione were well and truly together. The door of the room slammed open, revealing the Gryffindor that walked in the room.

"Oh, um. I didn't know you were in here." Ginny said. Her arms wrapped around her potions book and the parchment and ink she had. He looked up at the staring Ginger who seemed to be enjoying the sight of his gloom. She placed her accounts on the desk in front of him.

"Does she really like him?" Draco asked. His voiced cracked, his eyes looked up at the Ginger who stood before him. An assuring smile ghosted upon her lips. He looked back down at the ink and parchment.

"Why don't you tell her how you feel, Malfoy? Their relationship has certainly gotten your thoughts in a knot." Ginny smirked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Draco scoffed at the thought. He would never do so. At least, so he thought. Ginny rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Of course you wouldn't. Why on bloody Merlin's name would the Draco Malfoy admit that he has feelings for a muggle-born? How disappointed would his fellow Slytherin's be once they find out." She began, mocking him with a satisfied smirk on her face. "Better yet, what would Miss Pug-face Parkinson say? She's one to have a lot on her tongue." Her hands fell to her sides, she looked back at her desk and glanced back at Draco who had an unreadable expression on his face. She heavily sighed.

"Just, just talk to her. It'll do you both a favor." Ginny said softly. He looked up at the figure who suddenly smiled at him. He nodded at her. The doors opened impulsively, students packing the once-quiet class. Draco's eyes shot up once all the students sat down, yet the one he was looking for hadn't entered through the door. His eyes looked toward the empty seat beside him, where Hermione usually sat and found that he began to miss her presence. Blaise sat in front of him with Ginny – his partner. A sigh of relief left Draco when he saw the pair. Thank Merlin he had taken up Zabini's offer to be paired with Hermione.

The door opened suddenly, the short-haired brunette walked in with a piece of parchment in her hands. Her eyes were puffy and red. She took her eyes off the parchment and back at the figure who looked at her with concern. She strode timidly toward her partner, taking the seat beside him. She placed her books on the table, revealing the parchment that had been written to her by Harry. Of course, Draco hadn't known that, but he took a remote guess. He wanted to ask if she were alright, and needed a comforting hand. But before he was able to open his mouth, Professor Slughorn entered the class, radiating a grand smile. His eyes snapped off the saddened brunette and turned to the front of the class.

"Class! Today's task will be awfully easy. With your partner, you must write a three-foot-length essay on who created Felix Felices and how did it come about. I believe this is may acquire a fair bit of your time, so I assure you that it will be due next lesson. You shall begin." He finished, taking out parchment and ink and dabbling away.

Draco turned to the figure beside him, shaken that she was staring his way. Her caramel orbs were wetted; her tear stains were visible on her cheeks. He hadn't known why she was crying, but it made him furious at the person who could make her feel that way.

"W-we should start." She broke the gaze, turning to her book and began reading.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. His eyes never left her face, admiring the way her cheeks were naturally rosy, how her ears were quite small. He smiled and then regained his composure, declaring that he had to find out what made her upset.

"It's none of your concern, Draco." She said softly, her eyes never left the book.

"Blaise, isn't it?" He replied with a saddened expression. Hermione looked his way with a disgusted look. 

Just because she and Blaise were in a relationship, does not mean that her whole world revolves around him. Of course, it wouldn't anyway.

"Blaise and I are perfectly well! Why in Merlin's name would you care whether he made me cry or not? He wouldn't think of hurting me, Draco! And it disgusts me to see that you would accuse him of such idiocy. Why don't you go back to snogging Parkinson and Rosa – whatever her name is! Go back to your normal self, Draco! You don't need to put on a show. You seem to be doing a great deal of that in the past few days if I say so myself!" Hermione wasn't yelling, she had simply stated it with annoyance in her voice. His eyes dimmed, he wasn't sure of where she had gotten that information from. Sure, he had snogged Parkinson a few times and Rose once. But he hadn't in the past two days.

"Where did you get that barbarous information from?" He asked, sounding a slight annoyed at her. Her eyebrows knitted together in anger, she looked for the parchment that sat in front of her. She held up the scrunched-up piece of parchment and slammed it on the table – the class giving her questionable looks. Draco looked around and saw Parkinson giggling to herself at the sight. Parkinson. Hermione picked up her books and left the classroom without saying a word to Slughorn.

"Best be on with our work!" Slughorn said, shocked and confused by what he had seen his best student do. Draco picked up the parchment and read it.


You seem to be doing a great job with the mudblood, I must say. She is falling for your tricks without even trying too hard. I can't wait to see the look on her face once she realises that you don't even like her, purely just friends with her as you love a good joke. Last night's snog was amazing, I'll see you tonight?

Love always, Pansy.

His face jotted with anger, the fumes were almost visible. Blaise turned to see his infuriated best friend. Draco stood up and walked toward the giggling, raven-haired girl.

"Parkinson." He spat with anger. She turned to him and frowned.

"Don't you dare make up some filthy deceits, you are so foul and pathetic. I don't ever, and I mean it, ever want to see you near me. I will hex you so hard, that you wish that you had never messed with me or Her-Granger again! You understand?" He was standing in front of her, his hands scrunched the paper and threw it on her desk – bouncing onto her lap. She stood there with a look of complete shock and humiliation. Draco walked out of the class, leaving his best friend and the Ginger to discuss among themselves.

He hadn't really cared about what people thought. No, he doesn't care at all. All he knew is that he had to find Hermione.


Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter! I know, I promised a little more action but I re-wrote the chapter as I wasn't happy with the previous version! This chapter was only a filler sort of thing. Yet, I still tried my best :)

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