Chapter 23: Majestically Sophisticated

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"Ron, dear. Where is your sister exactly? She assured me she was coming." Molly Weasley asked her son as he sat at the table, waiting for his sister, or as he called her, the misplaced-slytherin.

"Most likely with that pitiful boyfriend of hers, who doesn't understand that I, nor anyone in that bloody school, can stand them together." Ron scoffed, staring at Harry who seemed so oddly fascinated by the wall clock, that had only been there since Fred and George were born.

"I will not tolerate your behavior in this house, Ronald Weasley," Molly said, smacking her youngest son with the kitchen mitten she had in her hand. "And, I most certainly will not listen to you and Ginny bicker all night! It is Christmas Eve, and I want this to be as peaceful as it can be!" As soon as she had finished yelling, a small crack was heard. All heads snapped to the front door, where Ginny stood, hand-in-hand with the dark Slytherin boy. Molly smiled, walking toward the pair. "You must be, Blaise! It's nice to meet you, dear." Molly stated, wrapping her arms around the rather tall boy. He smiled, embracing the elder woman into a hug.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Weasley. Thank you for having me." He said with a bright smile. Ginny smirked at the boy beside her, unaware of how ridiculously well-mannered he was.


"What exactly did you give him, Lucius?" Narcissa asked, as she sat in her bed, staring at her husband, who, was smirking viscously in the mirror.

"Do you remember that heirloom my mother had given you when we had gotten married?" Lucius asked, as he turned to look at his wife. She nodded.

"The one she had asked of me to give to Draco when he had married?" Lucius smiled, nodding at her. "But, Lucius, that ring is only for Malfoy's, she is not a Malfoy. It will harm her!" She said, looking at her husband with wide eyes. "Draco will not marry at this age, Lucius!" She stated, her husband's smile faded as he sat next to his wife on the bed.

"I charmed the ring once the war began," He said, looking at his wife. "Severus assured me of what he was going to do. He knew that Draco was going to fall in love with her. He knew the love will be returned. I charmed it to appear when the woman Draco ought to love, walked into the Manor, appearing in the room where she was in." Narcissa's eyes widened.

"When she came in, today? The ring appeared?" She asked, her smile slowly growing.

"No, Cissy. When she was brought here, last year. When Bella held her captive in our dining room, the ring appeared to me. I was in utter shock, I only thought Severus was bidding me lies, to exacerbate me, if you will. But, he wasn't. And from then onwards, I knew he would fall for her. And I sat back, hoping that it would be true. I wanted Draco to be happy, and as much as I hated it at first. I knew Hermione was capable of making our son the happiest wizard alive." Narcissa placed a hand on her husband's, smiling at the sight of him.

"I am proud of you, Lucius. Draco is proud of you." She stated, staring at her husband. She placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Off to bed, we both need some rest. Come, dear." She said, patting the empty spot next to her. "I heard it's going to be a quite cold Christmas, this year," She whispered to him. "And we both know how grumpy you get when you're cold." She stated with a smirk. He scoffed, taking the spot next to her.

"I do no such thing." He said, she only chuckled to herself. With a final smile, placing the sheets onto his wife, "Good night, love." He whispered as he fell into a gentle sleep.


The morning breeze caressed the cheek of the brunette who was sleeping peacefully. Her eyes began to open, noticing that she was alone in her bed. Memories replayed itself, the memories of the night before. A small smile embraced her rosy lips, as she took a glance at the ring that was placed on her index finger.

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