Chapter 10: Planning

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Four days – it has been four days since Hermione and Draco had their – misunderstanding. It had been four days since Draco and Hermione last spoke to one another. Four days since Draco and Pansy shagged, and Hermione knew it. 

The days were slower than usual, Hermione's days consisted of her going to class, the library, eat – repeat. 

Draco, on the other hand, he spent most of his time in the Slytherin common room, with Blaise and Pansy.

"You have a common room for a reason, Draco. Use it." Blaise muttered to the blond who was staring deeply at the flaming fire in their common room. Draco's hand was placed on his pale face – Draco turned around, meeting his friend's gaze.

"I would be using it if you and your red-haired accomplice would have kept your knickers out of my business." Draco spat, venom dripped from his words. Draco doesn't really care about what his best friend and Ginny did – he just blamed them for not getting it to work earlier. Deep down, he also blamed Hermione – not for agreeing to help the pair – but that she hadn't broken up with Ron before coming to Hogwarts.

"Draco, babe. Will you be staying here tonight, again? You can bunk with me." Pansy said with a wink. Draco groaned in frustration.

"Parkinson, I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone." He said, rubbing his forehead in frustration. Pansy rolled her eyes and left the common room with a couple of her friends.

"Mate, as much as I love the quiet Draco, it's getting quite annoying. I said I'm sorry, Weaslette has also. Just move on." Draco stood from the couch, adjusting his tie.

"You still call me your friend, when you don't even know why I'm angry. That's pathetic, really." Draco scoffed at his friend.

"I'm not a mind reader – as much as I'd like to be – but it isn't one of my capabilities. Maybe you should try something called expressing how you feel? It works. I promise." Blaise said with a sarcastic tone, Draco chuckled at his friend. He nudged his arm.

"I do not express my feelings, Zabini. I'm sure you've spent enough time with me to know that." Draco smirked. He and Blaise began to walk out of the common room.

"You like her, mate. Just tell her. It'll give Ginny and me a break." Blaise said, with a smirk.

"Ginny? First name basis, now are we?" Draco smirked at his friend, as they began walking to Charms.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't turn this on me, mate. This is about you and a particular Gryffindor." Blaise said with a thin chuckle.

"I'll think about it." Draco smiled at the thought of Hermione.

No, I cannot think of her. She's with Weasley. But since when did I ever follow rules? Draco's voice in his head said, he smirked at himself as they entered charms.

Draco sat down in his allocated seat, Blaise was sitting beside him – staring into thin air as Draco calls it. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand, gazing toward the table in front of him – where Weaslette sat.

Draco's POV

The past couple of days have been quite infuriating and – annoying. Not being able to enter my Common Room. But to be fair, it is partially my fault. Although avoiding Hermione was my main goal, I must say, she never failed to be the main topic that has been bugging me. Blaise sat beside me, his eyes began to shut, small snores escaped his mouth. He must not have gotten sleep last night. I began to chuckle, at the sight. The Ginger in front of us turned around in frustration. Her jaw clenched.

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