Chapter 12: Bare kisses

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Hermione paced the Hospital wing, awaiting Madam Pomfrey to come out of the closed curtains to assure her that Draco was fine. If Draco was fine. Blaise and Ginny sat on the stools away from Hermione, chatting away about the Quidditch game. Blaise began to laugh at the infuriated Ginger who sat beside him. Hermione sent them both a glare.

"Draco, Your best friend - I must point out – is laying in the hospital wing, unaware of his condition, let alone if his injury is severe or not – and you both are sitting here, bickering and laughing like wild bands of baboons!" Hermione sighed, Blaise froze in his spot – scared of what Hermione may say or do next. They both nodded, leaving Hermione to her continuous pacing.

"Why is she so stressed?" Blaise whispered to the Gryffindor who sat beside him. Ginny turned to face Blaise – they were somewhat, awfully close. Ginny gasped silently at the sight of the dark Italian studying her features. She intentionally coughed, breaking the long stares they were sharing.

"She isn't normally like this. Last time I saw her this worried was when Ron had conceived the poisoned alcoh-" She stopped before she could finish. Hermione was worried for Ron, as she was deeply in love with him. She remembered clearly that after she and Hermione left the hospital – where Ron was, Hermione admitted her feelings for her brother. In some way, the situation with Ron being severely injured, assured Hermione of her hidden feelings for the red-haired boy. Ginny smirked evilly, Blaise sat beside her, confused.

"Hermione admitted her feelings toward Ron when he was severely injured." Ginny whispered silently excited to him.

"And?" Blaise asked, questionably toward the Ginger. His eyebrows knitted together.

"And... You incompetent git - is that Draco is severely injured – thus, Hermione will admit her feelings toward him." Ginny said all-matter-of-factly. Blaise smirked, looking up toward the Brunette who was so anxiously pacing around.

Suddenly, Madam Pomfrey came out from behind the curtains. Hermione stood in front of the nurse, biting her finger nails impatiently.

"Well, is he alright?" Hermione asked with a frown. Madam Pomfrey gave her a reassuring smile, she patted her shoulder.

"He is perfectly well, Miss Granger. There are a few cuts and bruises, nothing a little cauldron won't fix." Madam Pomfrey smiled. "Although, he may need some assistance during the week. This will mean that he won't be attending classes, and I believe that he and I, both, would appreciate if you could assist him." Hermione nodded eagerly. Madam Pomfrey walked toward her office, letting Hermione walk into the room where Draco lay. His hands were placed behind his head; a smirk was placed on his pale face. Hermione admired his face, leading toward his half-naked body. He was shirtless. Hermione reddened.

"A little stressed, are we Granger?" He asked with a large smirk. She rolled her eyes, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"How are you feeling, Draco?"  Hermione asked, her eyes showed vulnerability and worry. He sat upright, taking her hand into his. They both took a long gaze at the sight of their hands, Hermione smiling subtly.

"I'm perfectly well, Miss Granger. No need to worry." Draco said, he smiled at the brunette who once seemed so worried.

"Blaise and Ginny left once Madam Pomfrey had addressed me to come in. I believe I'll be keeping you company for a while." Hermione sent him a soft smile. His smile grew into a smirk.

"How unfortunate." He replied. She rolled her caramel orbs and giggled, making Draco's heart flutter. They sat quietly for a moment, embracing the quietness of the school hospital, taking a look at the sight that is in front of them. Hermione gazed toward the window which was directly beside Draco's bed. His eyes found her cheeks, admiring the beauty of the woman who sat before him. He began thinking of things to say, apologies he had practiced during the game – none came out.

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