Chapter 13: Oh, no

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"Madam Pomfrey kicking us out, who does she think she is? I sure as hell will go and give her a piece of my mind!" Ginny began rambling as she and the Slytherin walked out of the hospital wing. "Humorous, is it?" She asked, crossing her arms – annoyed at the boy who was laughing beside her.

"Merlin, Ginny. If you were in my position, you'd be taking the joke out of it too." Blaise smirked toward Ginny. She rolled her eyes, looking away from him.

"So, has Potthead finally plucked up the courage to ask you to the Winter Ball?" Blaise asked, shoving his hands in his cloak pocket.

"I'm not sure he and I are even a couple anymore. I- I think of him as more of a best friend, rather than a boyfriend." She admitted, her eyes darted to the ground. The Italian smirked subtly, not looking at her.

"And what has changed? Fallen for someone else?" He asked, attempting to understand her sudden change.

"Merlin, Blaise! Are you always this nosy?" She asked, he chuckled at her and nodded. "But, if you must know – I have." 

They immediately stopped walking, both staring at each other with wide eyes. Ginny reddened and looked at her shoes and began fidgeting with her fingers. Blaise placed his finger on her chin, tilting her head upwards toward him.

"Well what a lucky person he is." Blaise whispered huskily, leaning toward her and staring into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"He really is." She smirked, mimicking the one placed on his face. She leaned in, both their lips centimetres from each other – without any more hesitation, their lips collided – she gaped the back of his neck, pulling him toward her. His hands made their way to her waist, pulling her toward him. Leaving no space between them.

After a few moments, they pulled back, Ginny smiled up at him with reddened cheeks.

"Let's hope Pothead doesn't find out that I just made out with his girl." Blaise smirked, walking toward the potions classroom. Ginny rolled her eyes and nudged him.

"Shut up about it, or else I won't hesitate to personally hex you into the next century." Ginny spat jokingly. He smiled, also reddened at what happened.


It has been a week since Draco had gotten out of hospital, yet, he was still giving Hermione great trouble.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are the most tiresome person when you're ill. You're like a new born baby for goodness sake!" Hermione groaned as she attempted to bandage Draco's ribs – which is quite bruised to say the least.

"Honestly, woman. Watch what you're doing!" Draco groaned in pain, she finished bandaging it up and sighed in relief.

"Complaining, are we? I'd much rather be reading a book, but here I am – attempting to help a whining child!" She said, walking toward the bookshelf and studying the books that had been placed in the bookshelf by one of the houselves. As Hermione began doing so, a particular book came to sight – one that she has never seen.

"How strange." She whispered to herself, as she has mostly certainly read all the books located in the bookshelf.

"Love comes in all shapes and sizes; some loves are even forbidden. For instance, Muggle-borns and Purebloods. How can a love be so wrong, when it feels so right – when it's so pure? Ian – Pureblood, falls for the girl who he has been taught to hate ever since he could think. But, after all – love doesn't pick blood status." Hermione gasped to herself. Had it been put there on purpose? Before she could open the book and begin reading it, she felt a pair of strong arms around her, his hot breath fanned across her neck.

"Draco!" She giggled, embracing the moment she had with him.

"What are you reading?" He smiled against her neck, leaving small traces of kisses – leading down to her shoulder.

"A book." She said with a laugh, showing him the book. He chuckled lightly. "It's about a Pureblood, falling in love with a Muggle-born, actually." She said, flipping through the pages of the books. Draco's grip loosened on the girl, beginning to let go of her. She turned to the boy who was staring directly at her.

"Draco?" She asked, concerned. She placed her hand, on his warm cheek – cupping it. He looked into her caramel orbs and suddenly his face seemed more relaxed.

"Sorry, it just made me think about what happened between us in the past six years. I was horrible." He replied, staring at the ground intently. Hermione giggled.

"Are we going through this again? I might as well start calling you Malfoy and throwing hexes at you considering we're skipping down memory lane." Draco laughed at the girl in front of him. "Please, let's forget about it. All I know now, is that we are in a much better place and I much rather stay that way." She said, wrapping her arms around the gape of his neck – still with the book in her left hand. His arms found her waist, pulling her toward him. Their foreheads touched – both their eyes shut – embracing the moment they had with each other.

"You've changed me, Hermione Granger." He chuckled at what he had said - so did she. She leaned in, pressing her lips onto his, he returned the kiss – passionately.

"Hermione Jean Gran- what the bloody Merlin?" Ginny walked into the common room, the door being opened already. She walked in seeing the two snogging.

"Oh, get a room!" Ginny groaned. Hermione pulled back and chuckled.

"We're in our room, doing what we so kindly wanted to, until you barged in." Hermione laughed, placing a small peck on Draco's lips before walking toward the red-haired.

"What's so important that you had to ruin a perfectly good moment I was having with my girl- I mean, Hermione." Draco asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Hermione turned red, wide eyed. She hadn't really thought about it – but, they've been snogging a lot, he is accompanying her to the Winter Ball and she has a great amount of feelings for him. But, this doesn't mean they're together. Well, does it? Thoughts began rushing in Hermione's head.

"Any-who. Hermione, I haven't spent time with you in ages. Can we have some girl time, please?" Ginny asked with pleading eyes. Hermione giggled and nodded. She looked toward Draco with a smirk.

"I'm sure Blaise is waiting for you in the Slytherin common room." She said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I'm sure he isn't." He replied with a frown.

"He really is." Ginny added, with a smirk. Draco groaned again and walked out of the common room.

"I have to tell you something, 'Mione." She said with wide eyes.

"What is it?" Hermione asked, concerned.

"I kissed Blaise." Hermione gasped with wide eyes. Oh, no - she thought.


Hey guys, this is just a filler chapter! The next chapter will be full of action. Should be out soon.

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Love, Mya xo

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