Chapter 18 - She Was Furious

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The sun had begun to set darkening the sky from all light. On the top floor of the apartment complex, Mimi sits on the top of her bed with her laptop on her lap.

Skimming through the internet, she notices a nonfiction pop up on the side of her screen. Following the link, her screen is taken over by a media website. The heading read:

Hiro Corporation Expands their Trades Breaking Records!

Mimi's eyes narrow at the screen her lips tighten in a straight line. Reading the article Mimi notices an image of Kenji's face on the side, in the picture was of him shaking hands with a group of elite men.

Scrolling down into the article she reads they were having an event to celebrate their big success, a group of celebrities, and other businessmen would be there saying it was the biggest event of the year.

After spending an hour on her computer Mimi closes her laptop flinging it to the end of her bed.

Leaning back in her bed Mimi closes her eyes. After shifting around on the mattress, she huffs in frustration to open her eyes staring at the white ceiling.

Turning her head to side Mimi examines a small photograph on the top of her nightstand.

Sitting up she grabs the photograph staring at it with conflicting emotions surging through her eyes.

In the photo was a young little girl with a taller girl next to her embracing her lovingly. The older girl had dark brown hair and earnest rich brown eyes. Her pale skin shone brightly in front of a blossoming cherry blossom tree.

The two were both dressed in sailor school uniforms. Her first "field trip."

That day Emily bought the two school uniforms as if they were both attending school. Because of her father's shame towards Mimi, she never had the chance to attend a real school and was taught online.

Emily raged at her father's unfairness but knew she couldn't accomplish anything on the subject, thus she gave Mimi the school experience by taking her out on a "field trip."

Mimi found it all stupid and pointless, but seeing her sister laugh joyfully Mimi went along with it.

After visiting an art museum, the two sat and ate lunch at a park. Thinking it was the ideal moment, Emily grabbed Mimi and took a photo of the two.

Although it took many tries to get the right angle and lighting, so said Emily, they finally captured a finished picture under a cherry blossom tree.

Mimi wanted to freeze that moment forever and wished for it to never end.

But on their return, their father raged and punished Mimi by securing her in her room for two weeks.

He feared the press could have taken photos of the two and release it to the media revealing his shame...his useless daughter.

Clutching tightly on the frame, Mimi places it back down on her nightstand and walks out of her bedroom to grab her phone.

Dialing a number, she taps her bare foot on the hardwood floors. A cold detached look overshadowed her little face.

"How's the report coming along?" Mimi sternly asks the person on the other end.

"We still haven't obtained anything yet. It seems like they desperately wanted to keep that incident hidden from the world." A man's voice says from the other end.

A chilling smile rises on Mimi's lips. "He can't keep it hidden forever. Keep searching I require a report by the end of the week or you'll have more crucial issues to deal with."

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