Chapter 23 - Cover Blown

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"Who are you?" Landon asked with narrowed eyes.

Looking at Landon's suspicion, Mimi chuckles.

She had to admit the young man in front of her was decent enough to be considered attractive.

However, with his personality, he was nothing but scum in Mimi's book.

Nothing compared to the godlike Tobias Itou who Mimi admired quite much.

Who didn't enjoy eyeing attractive things?

Sure the man appealed to many women, but he had no intentions of playing around or acknowledging any of them.

Mimi found some respect in the man, as someone who mostly seen shameless attractive men use their wealth to lure women.

"I'm just an ordinary bystander," Mimi curves her lips up. "But whenever I see a young maiden in need of help, I can't help but assist them."

Landon wanted to scoff at the kid's words, he was clearly trying to look good in front of everyone.

However, unsure of his status he held back his annoyance and selected his words carefully.

"Thank you for your concern, but I was just disciplining her for her actions. There's nothing for you to worry about." Landon places on a reassuring smile.

The corner of Mimi's eyes twitch.

Hoho seems like someone was smart with words. Good very good!

People on the side couldn't help but watch the two young men.

Majority of the women watching had their eyes on the gorgeous young man also known as Mimi. Watching him stick up for the young girl moved the hearts of many.

How much they envied to have a prince charming to save them!

As for the men they watched Landon who they knew was the heir to his father's company and admired him disciplining the young lady.

Not to mention many were jealous of Andras, who possessed more skill and experience than them who had been in the business for years not to mention who was much older.

They hoped to witness the young boy make a slip up at the party ruining his image boosting their egos.

Alec observed the scene unfold before him from the side, he couldn't help but feel surprised by Mimi intervening when she typically would ignore such drama. Guess she was starting to warm up.

Tobias standing next to Alec silently watched the young boy with unreadable eyes.

"Is that so?" Mimi's voice trailed off as she glanced at Emilia.

Emilia, who had heard Landon's words clutched tightly on the jacket. She couldn't bear this humiliation! Just when she thought someone came to help he'd end up leaving for Landon's false words.

However, what Emilia didn't expect was for the young boy who she hadn't seen the face of to grip her hand and pull her towards his side.

The movements were oddly nostalgic.

"From what I can remember about general knowledge," Mimi smirks. "Insulting someone's taste in clothing isn't a way of disciplining."

Landon's body stiffens at Mimi's words.

He hadn't realized he had heard that part of their conversation!

Yet, what annoyed him the most was how he had shamelessly touched Emilia.

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