Chapter 60 - Selfish Desire

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"What's the code?" Mimi suddenly spoke.

"Eh?" Jinny flinched slightly by the sound of her fierce tone.

"Code," Mimi said impatiently pointing towards the vending machine - not breaking eye contact with the small woman.

"Oh!'s 2B56A7." Jinny stuttered with flushed plump cheeks.

Damn, that was one hell of a code Mimi couldn't help but scoff inwardly.

After Jinny provided her the code, Mimi merely turned away from her placing the set of letter and numbers into the vending machine keypad.

While Mimi quietly pressed buttons to the machine to choose a snack, Jinny standing beside Mimi - nervously fiddling with her suit skirt.

Every so often she'd shift a few glances towards the young girl standing quietly beside her clicking buttons on the vending machine.

From close up, she could see the girl's slender jake-like skin and neck covered by a small spiked choker.

Even with her neck-length hair flowing in front of her face, Jinny could clearly see Mimi's long silky lashes.

The girl was dressed in a flowing black skirt and ripped tights covering her slender legs. Properly covering her chest was a red leather shirt which was slightly covered by a black leather jacket.

Wrapped around her soft hands were fingerless ink colored leather gloves.

Jinny hadn't noticed before due to the thick makeup Mimi wore, but the girl was definitely an extraordinary beauty!

She even possessed such shining unblemished skin that Jinny couldn't help but stare wonderingly at Mimi with sparkling brown eyes.

It was such a shame that such a gorgeous girl didn't know how to use makeup properly. Otherwise, she would have undoubtedly been the most attractive female in the company!

As Mimi ignored the petite woman beside her, she was unable to prevent the twitch from her lip as she suffered through the woman's intense gaze on her.

She could practically feel the radiating sparkles coming from the woman's gaze. It was almost too dazzling for her to handle.


Finally finishing, after Mimi felt as if ten blinding years had passed, the vending machine lets out Mimi's delicious snacks. Rapidly reaching into the vending machine Mimi grabs her two bags of chips and candy bars, and walks past the dazed Jinny.

Suddenly realizing Mimi was walking away, Jinny swiftly turns around to look at Mimi's departing figure.

"U-Um, please wait!" Jinny pleaded loudly.

Pausing her steps, Mimi calmly rotates her head to stare at Jinny, her back continuing to face the woman. From her single movement, Jinny sighed in evident relief.

"A-About that time when you first came here," Jinny fiddled nervously with her skirt once more before sucking in a steadying breath of air and bowing her head low.

"I want to apologize for my thoughtless actions that day! If what I said offended you then I'm willing to do anything within my ability to compensate you for my offensive actions!"

As the young woman bowed deeply towards Mimi, she hadn't noted the sinister expression forming on the girl's face a mischievous sneer spreading across her luscious lips.

If others were to see a Senior bowing towards her junior they'd most likely widen their eyes with disbelief. Or for those who liked to seek trouble, blame Mimi for bullying the small woman.

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