Chapter 136 - I Care About You

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Holding her hand, Tobias walked out of the mall and into the parking lot. Stopping on the side, he pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Bring the car over."

A voice could be heard on the other end before he hung up and stood silently waiting. The only sound that could be heard was the people walking by exiting and entering the mall. Tobias glanced down at the girl beside him.

Her head was lowered, letting the silk strands of hair fall in front of her face - her eyes continuing to stare off into space.

Tobias's hold on her hand tightened. Finally, the car showed up and Tobias entered, helping Mimi in. Once seated and the doors closed, he leaned back into the seat and sighed.


As expected, she didn't respond. The aching sensation in his heart grew.

"Mimi, look at me." His voice coaxed her like a warm caress.

Mimi, who was in a trance, suddenly overheard his voice, "Huh?"

Her eyes blinked. Elevating her head, she nearly yelped when she saw how close the man was to her face.


Finally hearing her voice, Tobias sighed in relief, the anxiety in his heart fading away. Tobias leaned over and gently knocked his head with hers.

Mimi felt his forehead against hers and curiously raised her eyes only to be startled when his dark, empty eyes met hers. Mimi had noticed something off about his gaze but didn't put too much thought into it.

Tobias continued staring at her. When he spoke, she could feel his warm, clear breath on her face, "I have to disagree with what you said earlier."


"I don't think of us as strangers."

Oh, that. Mimi's lips pursed and her eyes slowly averted his. Tobias continued to stare at her and he spoke up in a low tone.

"I think of us as best friends."

Mimi was a little surprised. Was he mimicking the words she's said previously?

She lifted her head and saw Tobias pull back slightly, putting distance between them. He leaned back in his seat and looked back at her quietly.

Mimi laughed hoarsely. "Even though we don't know a lot about each other?"

His expression continued to be patient and a faint smile bloomed on his face. "We have all the time to learn more about one another."

His words surprised Mimi and she stared at Tobias as if he were an unknown species. Sure enough, this man was an idiot. Though Mimi herself had claimed them as best friends, it had only been for her advantage toward the situations.

As the genius man he was, Mimi was sure he was aware of that. However, who would have thought he could have been dense about it the whole time.

Unless he meant it.

Helplessly sighing, Mimi grinned crookedly.

"You're weird, you know that Toby?"

Tobias smiled back at her without speaking and looked out the car window once more. For the majority of the ride, the two sat in silence until Tobias's dark voice spoke up.

"You don't have to come to work tomorrow."

"Eh, why?"

Tobias didn't respond nor did he look at her as he gazed out the window. Recalling all the events that happened just now, Tobias felt only deep uncertainty and frustration.

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