Chapter Four

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I looked down and immediately realized I wasn't wearing any pants and my shirt fell just below where my underwear was.

"Oh my god." I slammed the door in his face and ran to my room, throwing on the first pair of shorts I could find. I stumbled back to the door and opened it again to see his shocked face. "I'm so sorry I didn't even realize." He laughed. "Yeah I'm okay; thanks for coming by to check on me. I appreciate it."

"Yeah of course. We're a team; we have to stick together." He smiled at me.

"Want to come in? I was just watching Friends until I guess I fell asleep."

"Sure," he said, stepping into my apartment, following me towards the living room. He looked around in amazement when his eyes landed on my computer. He stepped closer to my desk and examined my monitors. "Wow, nice setup. What do you use the monitors for?"

"Um mostly online gaming. I'm kind of like a huge nerd." I rubbed the back of my head, embarrassed. Even though Timothy also went to MIT, I didn't think he was the kind to play online video games.

"Which games do you play? I also game online."

I was a little surprised. "Mostly Final Fantasy, the Elder Scrolls, and World of Warcraft."

"No way. I also play those." He smirked. "We should totally play together sometime. You know, if we ever get a break from work."

I laughed. "Is it really that bad?" I sat down on the couch, opening another beer.

"Sometimes. There have been days we stayed the night working on a case or went to work Sunday morning for one. There have been times where I couldn't even go to the bathroom without getting yelled at by Gibbs." He sat beside me on the couch. I offered him a Redd's and he took it happily.

"Oh wow. I didn't know it was going to be like that." I looked down at the floor, wondering what kind of job I had gotten myself into.

"It's not always like that. Nine times out of ten we go home at a normal hour. And most weekends we don't go into work which is nice." He spoke as if he really loved his job.

I smiled. I knew he was probably trying to make the job sound less intense than it really was, but I did appreciate him trying to make me feel better.

"When did you start at NCIS Timothy?" I asked.

"A year or so ago. I was originally in Norfolk as an agent, but was moved to DC when they needed a hand with some tech stuff. You can call me Tim or McGee if you'd rather. I don't really go by Timothy." He shrugged.

"Oh, sorry. I kind of just call people whatever they introduce themselves as until I'm told otherwise. So yeah, sorry." I was an incredibly awkward person and talking to people I didn't know all that well was sometimes difficult for me.

"It's not a problem at all."

Tim and I talked for a few hours about random things like gaming and comparing our lives at MIT. He was one of those people who didn't really get out all that much and spent a lot of time online or studying. I was the complete opposite. I was a huge party girl and had a fun social life of getting drunk at the bars with my shitty fake ID or going on runs or walks in the city. It was funny how we went to the same school, but lived completely different lives.

"There is no way you hooked up with one of the AEPi guys! I heard they didn't do that!" Tim was shaking his head in disbelief.

"I swear I did! Micah Goldstein and I hooked up in one of the Lecture Halls my sophomore year." I laughed hard thinking about the fraternity boy I had a fling with in college. He was a kind boy, but not one for relationships.

"I kissed Mistee Chau once," Tim sheepishly admitted.

"Okay now that I don't believe. Wasn't she like head cheerleader or something? I thought you didn't get out much."

He laughed and blushed. "I didn't. My roommate dared me to do it when we were walking to class one day. He said he'd buy me a case of beer. So I walked up to her and just kissed her. I mean, she slapped me afterwards, but still."

"Oh my god that's so funny. Did he at least buy you that case?" I couldn't believe Tim had done something like that.

"He did end up buying it for me reluctantly. He didn't think I'd actually do it."

I leaned my head on the back of my couch happily. It was cool how Tim and I had developed a friendship so quick and so naturally. I hadn't realized how tired I was, or how drunk I was, until I leaned my head back on the couch.

"I should probably get to sleep," I said, rolling my head so I could look at Tim. He was too laying his head on the back of the couch, but he was asleep. I stifled a laugh and stood up from the couch, almost falling in the process. The room was spinning and I seriously hoped I wasn't going to throw up. Instead of waking him up like a normal person would do, I just let him sleep how he was and I stumbled into my bedroom and fell onto my bed. I had barely set and alarm for the morning when I'd passed out, half of my body not even on the bed.

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