Chapter Fifteen

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"Enjoy your evening," the hostess said with a smile before leaving us at the table.

I laughed. "I can't believe Abby and Ziva did this."

Tim looked at me from across the table and laughed. "I'm as shocked as you are Naomi. You look beautiful."

I blushed. "Thanks Tim. You look very handsome." He was wearing a white button down with a navy blue tie and suit jacket.

Tim and I both started smiling as we looked through our menus. I kept sneaking glances at him and I had a feeling he was doing the same. I was so ecstatic to be sitting across from Tim on this date. He was the one person I really wanted to go on a date with and I was so thankful the girls had set this up for us.

"Do you want to get an appetizer?" Tim asked me, putting his menu down.

"It's up to you. I'm happy to eat," I said with a laugh. 

"I'll order us calamari? Do you like that?"

I nodded. "Yes! It's one of my favorite foods honestly."

Before he could respond, a waitress came over with a fake smile and took our order. I'd ordered penne ala vodka, my favorite food in the entire world, and Tim ordered veal Marsala. It wasn't the meal I had pegged him for, but it was nice to know he had an eclectic palette.

"So Tim," I started when the waitress left, "Abby told me you write like novels. Is that true?"

He blushed, surprised. "Um yeah. I write crime fiction."

I gasped. "Oh my gosh I love crime fiction! I just finished this book called Deep Six. And I don't remember the author's name... Thom something... have you read it?"

He laughed and his face turned bright red. "Thom E. Gemcity. And uh yeah I've read some of his stuff."

"Don't you think Tommy and Tony are like the same person? It's kind of freaky." I thought back to the book I read a few months back. When I met Tony, all I could think was that he and Tommy, my favorite character in Deep Six, were basically the same person.

"Yeah, it is kind of weird. I never really thought about it I guess. But have you read any hardboiled fiction? Like from the twenties and thirties?"

"Yes!" I squealed. "The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep are two of my favorite novels!"

He put a hand to his chest. "Me, too!"

A waiter came over with the calamari, two plates, and a bottle of champagne. "The champagne is on the house, from all of us here. We love your work Mr. Gemcity." The waiter smiled at me as he walked away and I stared at Tim slack jawed.

"Are you serious? Why didn't you say something?" I started at him in both awe and anger. I couldn't believe he didn't tell me he wrote the novel!

He laughed awkwardly. "I don't know. I'm very quiet about my writing."

"Tim, you shouldn't be! You're incredible!" I paused. "Wait, does that mean that Tommy is based on Tony? And wait, is Lisa, Ziva? Oh my gosh are all your characters based on our team?" I was shocked.

"Uh yeah. They had a field day with that when they found out. No one was very happy about it, especially not Tony and Ziva."

"Well you did basically make them a couple in Deep Six."

"Can you blame me?" He served the two of us some food and I smiled at his gallantry.

"No, not really. They do have a lot of sexual tension at work." I took a bite of the calamari and made a happy sound. "This is so good, oh my gosh."

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