Chapter Eight

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It was late when Tim and I got back to our building. We didn't say anything on the ride home. Not because we didn't want to, but because neither of us knew what to say.

"You all right?" Tim asked as we got to our doors.

I shrugged. "Not particularly, but I'll be fine." I didn't like opening up to people.

"If you want to come over and watch a movie or something just to distract you for a bit, you're more than welcome to." Tim scratched at the back of his head as if he was nervous about asking me over.

I gave him a shy smile. "Yeah, sure. Let me just get changed into something that's not covered in blood." We both laughed and parted ways.

I quickly threw on an American Medical Hoodie and workout shorts before I brushed my hair and headed to the kitchen. On the way out the door, I grabbed a few beers; it was the least I could offer to him for inviting me over and helping me out today.

Tim answered the door in a white tee shirt and grey sweatpants. I followed him into the apartment, which was beautifully decorated with dark wood like mine, and set the beer on the kitchen counter. I had to admit, Tim was quite handsome. And he sure did look good dressed down.

I noticed his desk in the corner and immediately ran over to it. "Oh my gosh you have a typewriter? That's amazing! I've always wanted one." I looked at it lovingly. "Can I try typing on it?"

He smiled. "Sure, be my guest."

I sat down and touched all the keys with my fingers just to take in the feeling. I had never used a typewriter, but I thought they were so beautiful. I started typing without even thinking; I just let the words come to me.

Special Agent Caitlin Todd, a beautiful and sophisticated woman, looked at the body with sadness in her eyes. She felt for the woman who was raped and murdered by someone in her own family as she too had a horrible past. She pushed a strand of the girl's hair from her face and took note of her expression. All she could see was anguish.

I smiled at my writing, not because I was proud of it, but because the typewriter made it look so eloquent. I pulled out the paper and laid it next to the machine.

Looking up at Tim, I saw a sad expression. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. It's just we used to have an agent in our team named Caitlin Todd. So it's weird seeing you write her name when you didn't even know her." He looked like he was going to break down any second.

"I'm sorry. I just think the name is beautiful. Did she leave the job for another?"

He shook his head, slower this time. "She was killed."

I put a hand over my mouth and gasped. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Tim." I gave him a hug. "Let's go watch a movie; I think we both need a distraction." Looking around, I saw he didn't have a TV in his living room and I was confused. "Uh Tim, do you not have a TV?"

He laughed. "No I do. It's just in my bedroom." He paused, looking nervous. "Is-is that okay?"

I smiled. "Yeah, of course!" I picked up the beers. "Let's go!"

We settled down on his bed, I closer to the bathroom and he closer to the door. I sat with my back against the headboard and a pillow in my lap. His bed was so much comfier than mine and I was immediately jealous. I had never gotten around to getting a new mattress or a mattress pad.

"What kind of movies do you like?" Tim asked, opening Netflix.

"Really anything. I especially love horror though. But if you don't like horror we don't have to watch that!" I was rambling... why was I rambling?

He smiled. "Horror's fine. Have you seen The Boy?"

"No! I've been meaning to see it!" I was way too enthusiastic about a demonic movie.

He pulled up the movie and clicked play. We cheers-ed our beers and drank to the beginning credits. The music in the opening was quite ominous and I knew it was going to be a good movie. Horror movies were my favorite. I was easily scared and I loved the feeling of being scared when the adrenaline would race through my body.

Somewhere around the halfway point, Tim got up to use the bathroom and I went on my phone for a minute. I had a couple texts, but none of them were important. They were mostly from my crew thanking me for my help today. I was glad that they appreciated my help. EMS was a thankless job a lot of the time.

When we put the movie back on, I started getting sleepy. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "I'm getting kind of tired..."

He looked upset. "Oh, okay. If you don't want to finish the movie tonight we don't have to."

I felt bad for making him upset. "No, no it's fine. I want to. I just can't stick around after; especially because we have work in the morning." He nodded in understanding.


I rolled over onto my left side, curling into an even smaller ball than I already was in. It was freezing in my apartment. I pulled the blanket closer to my face and tried to fall back asleep.

When I was almost asleep, I felt the bed shift and something warm press against my back and another thing fall around my waist. I wiggled closer to the warmth without a second thought. I felt myself being pulled in towards the warmth until I was squished against the object in the bed with me. I smiled contently, happy to have warmth returning to my body.

I rubbed my face into the blanket and my eyes shot open. This wasn't my blanket. Hell, this wasn't even my bed.

Okay, where am I? I thought. Last night I watched The Boy at Tim's and then ... and then I guess I fell asleep. But then that would mean...

I looked down and saw that the thing around my waist was an arm. And the thing I was snuggled up against was a person. I slowly turned my head, trying to get a look behind me. And sure enough, there was Tim, his face smushed against my back, fast asleep.

"Um, hey, Tim?" I nervously said. I poked his arm with my finger.

"Yeah?" He asked, sleepily. He had one of those really cute tired voices.

"Um are you awake?"


"Clearly you're not Tim." I rolled over so I was facing him. "Tim wake the fuck up."

I saw his eyes open and he blinked a few times before his eyes widened. He immediately pulled back from me. His face was flushed a bright pink and I could tell he was embarrassed.

"Naomi I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know... I didn't realize... I was asleep. I didn't mean to," He stuttered when he was nervous. It was kind of endearing.

"Tim it's not a big deal. Just a little awkward, but I'm awkward so it's fine."

"I know I just feel bad. I don't know I-I just really like hanging out with you and I don't want to make it awkward because we fell asleep together and..."

I cut him off. "McGee!" He looked me in the eyes. "It's literally fine and not a big deal! I promise! But we should get up because we have to be at work in an hour." I crawled out from under the covers and gathered myself. "Want to carpool? I'll drive."

He nodded. "Sounds good. Come get me when you're ready to leave."

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