Chapter Ten

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"Naomi!" Abby squealed when I walked downstairs into her lab. She enveloped me in a hug and we rocked side to side. "How are you?"

I smiled. "I'm doing well! How are you?"

"Good. I'm good!" She looked me dead in the eyes. "You're not busy tonight are you? Please tell me you're not busy."

"Nope, I'm not busy at all. Why, what's up?"

"We're all going to one of the clubbing bars tonight. We all as in me, Tony, Ziva, McGee, and Palmer. And you should come! It wouldn't be the same without you!"

I smiled a very bright smile. "Of course I'll come! What time?"

She clasped her hands together. "Oh yay! We're meeting around ten. The bar is open until four am and since we don't have work tomorrow, we can stay out as late as we want!"

I laughed. "That sounds good Abbs. What should I wear?" I'd never been clubbing before so I didn't know what the appropriate attire was.

"Something sexy. Like I'm wearing a short cocktail dress with lace. But Ziva probably will be wearing like a tee and jeans. But please please dress up with me!" She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"But Abbs, I don't have anything to wear... I don't own sexy clothing. I don't actually ever go out to bars to tell you the truth." I looked at the ground, embarrassed. I had made it sound like I was a complete loser.

She laughed. "You can borrow something of mine! I have plenty of dresses that'll look great on you. Come over after work; I'll text you my address! Bring your makeup over." She gave me another hug. "I should be getting back to work, but I'll see you later!"


I looked at myself in Abby's mirror, trying to decide if I liked the dress or not. It was a short red dress that had a deep neckline and showed my curves well. I felt a little too exposed in it with how short it was; it barely covered my ass.

I sighed as I slid the dress off and picked up the next one she handed me. This one was very sexy. It was a halter dress with a lace top and again a plunging neckline. The top had criss-cross strings across the chest so it wasn't as open. The bottom was fake leather and when I held it up to my body, it looked like it would fall mid-thigh. I didn't think I would like it, but I figured I would try it on anyways. When I finally had it on and zipped up, I looked in the mirror and was surprisingly pleased with what I saw.

I stepped out of the bathroom and put my hands on my hips. "So? What do you think?"

Abby turned around from her makeup desk and gasped. "You look hot Naomi! McGee is going to love it."

I gave her a confused look. "What?"

She gave me a wide eyed stare. "Nothing. Ignore me. I was just saying like you're hot and all the guys will notice." She tried to cover up her slip of tongue, but she didn't do it well. Why did she single out Tim? Some things just weren't adding up lately.

"Whatever you say." I grabbed my makeup bags and brought them to her makeup desk, which was huge and lit by white lights around the mirror, and sat on the chair beside her. "Should I do a full face or just eyes and lips?"

She looked at me and gave me a once over. "Eyes and lips. It's probably going to be really hot in there. It is Friday night after all."

I nodded. "You're right."

I took out my Too Faced chocolate eyeshadow palette, the only high end makeup I owned, and my drug store mascara and eye liner. I was secretly very good at makeup, even though I rarely wore it. When working in EMS, we're told to keep it to a minimum. I created a golden Smokey eye and applied mascara and liner to complete the look. Sifting through my bags, I found a blush pink lipstick which I applied generously. After brushing my golden locks, I let them fall down, looking wavier than usual. I had to agree with Abby, I did look really good.

Abby was wearing a strapless black dress that barely covered her ass and a pair of combat boots. Her hair was down and looked really nice. Her eye makeup was dark as usual, and she had a bright red lipstick on that would put Taylor Swift to shame.

"Ready to go?" She asked with an excited smile.

"Yes ma'am!" I stood up and followed her outside where our taxi was waiting for us. None of us were driving to the club as we didn't want to have to monitor our alcohol intake. It was our first Friday night together and no one wanted to be going home sober.

We arrived at the club and meandered inside to find our friends already parked at a table in the corner, chatting away. Abbs linked my arm in hers and we walked to the bar before the table. She ordered some mixed drink I'd never heard of and I had a Double Angry Balls. This drink was my favorite and it was an angry orchard with two shots of fireball in it. We also opened a tab on my credit card and ordered twelve tequila shots. Before midnight, shots were $2 a piece and we figured we should all do shots before the price went up.

"Hi guys!" I smiled, placing the tray of shots on the table.

"Oh my god, why did you get so many?" Jimmy asked with wide eyes.

"Two for each of us!" Abbs answered, shooing me into the booth next to Tim.

Tim's eyes never left my body and I felt self conscious. When he noticed me looking at him, he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You look really nice." I could smell the beer on his breath.

I blushed. "Thanks Tim. You don't look so bad yourself." He was dressed in a navy blue polo shirt and off white dress pants. His hair was gelled back like it usually was for work.

Abbs passed out the shots to everyone, as well as two limes. I hated tequila, but if I had enough salt it went down a little better. I licked both my hands and shook some salt on them. When we were all set, Abby raised her first shot.

"To the first night out with Naomi. Welcome to the family." She smiled and we all took our shots. I felt nauseous after the first and even worse after the second. I took a huge gulp of my angry balls, trying to get the taste out of my mouth.

After finishing my drink, which would've equaled about three, I was feeling quite drunk. I was smiling and laughing at every joke someone made, even if it was clearly not funny. I was also singing to the music that was on and I for one did not have a good voice. But no one seemed to mind, which I appreciated.

"God the last time I was drunk like this I pissed on a tree at college," Tony said with a laugh.

"You what?" Ziva asked, shocked.

He put an arm around her shoulders. "Here in America Ziva we get piss drunk every weekend, no pun intended, to ignore our duties in college."

She removed his arm from around her shoulder. "Yes, but why did you pee on a tree?"

"My dorm was all the way across campus and I couldn't hold it. I got in trouble with the university police, but they didn't do anything about it because it was three am and no one noticed I was pissing." Tony had this huge smile on his face, as if he was proud of this accomplishment.

"You're insane," Abby said, finishing off her third beer. This girl could really drink. I didn't even think she was intoxicated.

Suddenly, one of my favorite songs came on and I almost jumped out of my skin. "Oh my gosh I love this song!" My voice was high pitched and I probably sounded like a cheerleader. "Can we please go dance?"

The team looked around at each other as if trying to read everyone's mind. A chorus of yes's made their way around the table and I basically pushed Abby out of her seat. I took her hand and dragged her out onto the dance floor, the rest of our friends lagging behind.

In my drunken stupor, I grabbed Tim's hand and pulled him next to me in the circle we were trying to form. Once I saw him blush I let go and started bobbing to the music, my right hand in the air.

This sure was going to be a night to remember...

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