Chapter Five

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The elevator doors opened in front of me and I rubbed my eyes when the bright lights hit me. I had a major hangover from last night seeing as I'd had at least five beers and I didn't hold my alcohol all that well anymore.

"You look terrible Probie," Tony said to me with a smirk. "Have a bad night?"

I rolled my eyes at him and sat down at a new desk between his and McGee's. "I had a few too many last night. But it was worth it." I smiled thinking about all the fun McGee and I had last night. He ended up sleeping on the couch and I had to wake him up this morning for work.

"I know that look," he said, eyeing me suspiciously. "You were with someone last night."

"Oh shove it Dinozzo it was just McGee." I rolled my eyes.

"Just McGee what?" Ziva asked, clearly hearing only the end of our conversation.

"McGoo was over Probie's apartment last night having drinks." Tony looked inquisitively at me.

"Tony not everyone has sex when they get drunk with a friend," Ziva said, sitting down behind her desk.

"Who had sex?" Tim had just entered the bullpen, his tie undone around his neck. He looked put together for someone who was definitely hungover.

"You did McRomeo," Tony said with a smirk.

Tim looked at me. "I what now?"

"He's just being a douche sack." Ziva threw a wadded up paper ball at Tony.

Tony looked at me. "She means douchebag."

"Nothing new there," Tim muttered under his breath. I wondered if he was annoyed about Tony's comment.

I sat at my desk and turned on my monitor, waiting to do some work. After yesterday, I was ready to prove that I wasn't some weak probie and that I could be useful. I didn't go to MIT for nothing.

Gibbs walked in with a coffee in his hand and sat down at his desk, not greeting any of us. "Anyone got anything?" We all looked at each other guiltily and Gibbs slammed his hand on his desk. "Then get some damn work done."

Immediately, all smiles were eliminated from the area. We all were working on figuring out what our first move should be. I pulled up a word document on my screen and made a list of potential ideas:

- Search apartment
- Talk to coworkers
- Find any presence of his on the internet
- Family?
- Wait for fingerprint analysis to come back on the gun

"Maybe we should search his apartment to see if there are any leads there?" I asked suddenly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Take McGee." Gibbs didn't bother looking at me as he spoke, something I was definitely not used to.

Tim and I both stood up quick and grabbed our gear, walking towards the garage to get a car. We were both silent on the walk, something I didn't expect. We talked for hours last night and now it felt like I had never spoken to him in my life.

"Last night was fun," I said as we exited the elevator.

"Yeah, it was." His voice was flat, as if he didn't care.

"Are you all right?" I slid into the passenger seat as Tim slid into the driver's.

"Tony's just getting on my nerves today."

"Is it because of what he said? Tim I'm sure he was just joking." I smiled, trying to reassure him.

He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I don't know. It's not a big deal. Let's just talk about something else, all right?"

I changed the subject and asked him about his sister. He had briefly mentioned her last night, but never really got to say all that much about her. He immediately perked up and I could tell that he really loved his sister. He had pulled out his cell phone and shown me a picture of her and I had to admit she was beautiful with her flowing brown locks and slender face and body.

He was telling me a story about the two of them when we pulled up at Brian's apartment. I gulped as we stepped out. Standing on the steps was a woman, approximately in her late twenties, knocking on the door. She seemed visibly upset about something and I had a feeling she was Brian's girlfriend or something.

"Ma'am?" I asked as we approached her. She didn't answer or even turn around. "Excuse me, miss?" Nothing. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around, jumping when she saw me. Her eyes were red and puffy, leading me to believe she had been crying. "Ma'am are you all right? I'm Special Agent Naomi Cahn and this is Special Agent Timothy McGee. We are with NCIS."

She stared at me with sad eyes and sighed. She immediately brought her hand to her face and made the sign for deaf.

Are you deaf? I signed to her.

She smiled brightly at me. Yes. Yes! You sign? She signed so quick and so excitedly I almost didn't know what she said.

Yes ma'am. I don't sign well, but I can communicate all right. Do you mind signing slow for me? What is your name? I'm with NCIS. My name is Naomi Cahn and this is Tim McGee.

Oh of course! I'm Allyssa Peters. I'm waiting for my boyfriend, Brian. He's a marine." Her face dropped. "Has something happened to him?

Will you come with us back to NCIS headquarters? We can talk there.

She nodded slowly and expressed her car was a block away and if we gave her the address she would meet us there. I nodded and thanked her before returning to the car with Tim.

"Where did you learn sign language?" He asked, clearly impressed.

"Oh I taught myself. I love learning languages!" He started the car as I spoke. "I speak five."

"Five? That's incredible! Which ones?" He was wide eyed as he drove us down the winding roads.

"English, ASL, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew. My family speaks Arabic and Hebrew. I learned English and Spanish in my school years. And I taught myself ASL within the last few years. I had come across a deaf patient and felt so bad I couldn't talk to her that I learned the language so I would never have that issue again." I was proud of myself for knowing so many languages. I had never met anyone who could speak as many as I could.

"That's incredible. Maybe you could teach me some of one of those languages. I've always wanted to learn a third language." He paused. "I speak English and French. I don't know why I chose French, but I did. And I regret it every day."

"Oh that's cool! French is such a beautiful language." I thought for a minute. "I'm going to have to translate for Allyssa aren't I?"

He nodded. "Most definitely. But you'll be fine I'm sure. Gibbs will be very impressed with you."

"I sure hope so." I wanted desperately to impress my boss. I wanted to make sure he knew I wasn't an incapable banana. And after yesterday, anything would be an improvement.

"I know it. Don't stress too much, you're doing fine." He smiled.

"Thanks Tim. I really appreciate you."


A/N: hi hello. So I do know ASL and if anyone else does, you know I didn't correctly write the syntax for the signing. So I apologize but I wanted to make it easier to read!

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