Chapter Six

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"She says that Brian was supposed to stay at her place last night, but never came home," I said to Gibbs. I was sitting beside him in the interrogation room, translating the conversation between he and Allyssa.

"Do you know if he was having any trouble with anyone?" Gibbs asked her, trying to keep her from getting too emotional.

I signed the question to Allyssa and she sighed.

I know that his commanding officer was giving him a hard time. So we're some of his military buddies. He owed a few of them some money, but I don't think any of them would kill him over it. Brian was the kindest man you'd ever meet. I could tell she was trying very hard to not cry.

Do you have the names of these men? I gave her a sympathetic look.

She nodded. Jack Dunn, his commanding officer. Michael Nichols, James Tate, and Wendell Mathews were his friends.

"Jack Dunn, Michael Nichols, James Tate, and Wendell Mathews," I repeated to Gibbs. "They could've had something to do with it."

"Thank you Cahn. Can you escort Miss Peters out? She's free to go home if she wants." Gibbs stood up and walked out of the room, determination on his face.

You're free to go! I can walk you to your car.

Allyssa thanked me and followed me out the door to the garage. We didn't sign on the way; she stared blankly ahead, probably grieving. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. I had never had a loss of that magnitude, thankfully. I felt so bad for her; she had just lost the man she loved.

Feel free to call us if you hear anything or if you need anything. I smiled and handed her a business card. My extension is 089.

Thank you. You've been very kind. And thank you for learning ASL for us deaf people. Her smile was so wide as she got in her car and drove off. I was so glad to have made this process easier for her.

When I arrived back in the bullpen there was a girl standing by Gibbs's desk loudly and animatedly talking. Her outfit was unconventional with a black and red plaid skirt, a tight black top, and platform leather boots. Her black hair was tied up in two pigtails, exposing her neck tattoos. She looked like someone I could definitely get along with.

"Gibbs when do I get to meet her? McGee won't shut up about her," the girl said, a little too loud. I laughed to myself as I approached her.

"Me?" I asked.

She turned and gasped. "Hi!" She pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I'm Abby Sciuto you can call me Abby or Abbs, but never Abigail. God I hate Abigail. You must be Naomi. You are as pretty as the boys say!" I blushed and looked at Tony and McGee giving Abby a death glare. "We're going to be good friends I just know it. I was supposed to meet you yesterday but you left and I was really sad but now I'm happy because I get to meet you!" Man this girl talked a mile a minute.

"Hi Abby! It's great to meet you. You're the Forensic Scientist, right?" I smiled at her.

"Yes ma'am! The one and only! So I should probably get back downstairs, but come down some time!" She smiled again as she hurried off towards the elevator.

I turned around to face Tim and Tony. Tim's face was bright red and he couldn't look at me. Tony was calm and looking at me with this sly smirk on his face. I gave them a bored expression and shook my head at them before sitting at my desk, trying to find some information on the men Allyssa had named for us.

I started with Jack Dunn. He was a commanding officer. He'd done three tours in Iraq. He had a wife and two kids, who were now seven and ten, both girls. He didn't have any past history and his record was clean as a whistle. I found his personal email somewhere online and I immediately tried to hack into it. I opened the website and started typing like my life depended on it. After a few failed attempts, I got into his account. There were a few emails between him and and unnamed person regarding a wire money transfer.

I require 50,000 wired to account number 931776834 by midnight on the fourteenth. If you want this to remain hush hush I suggest you get the money.

"Gibbs I found something," I said proudly. "Dunn has some suspicious emails on his account.

"Put them on the plasma," Gibbs instructed.

"I'm not entirely sure how to do that. Tim, can you do it for me?" I asked with a smile.

He wheeled his chair over to me and very quickly clicked a few buttons, sending the email I found onto the plasma screen. He was very close to me and I could feel the heat radiating off his body. Something about him was curious. He apparently "cant shut up" about me and then he's saying I'm pretty to Abby? And then there's Tony who also called me pretty, but I get the feeling he thinks anything with tits and an ass is pretty.

Everyone except Tim and I gathered around the screen, reading it closely. "Someone trace that account number," Gibbs demanded, looking at Tim and me.

"Working on it Boss." Tim and I shared my keyboard and worked on following the trail. We were being rerouted and kicked off almost every route we went through. Eventually, we followed the trail and saw where the money was wired. "It's an offshore account in Russia Boss. The name attached to the account is Brian Davis." 


A/N: Sorry this was shorter than my other chapters. I appreciate your reads and votes y'all, it makes me v happy☺️🤟🏼

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