Chapter 48 - An unexpected event

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"That would be ¥2180, please," the man informed them.

Tamiko watched as Ushijima pulled out his wallet to give the taxi driver the requested sum. They nodded and thanked each other before the car turned around and left them on the road. Tamiko gazed after the car, the only one driving on this road. When the sound of the engine faded away only the sound of nature was left. A peaceful place with a wide meadow, a wall and branches reaching over its brim.

"Where are we?" Tamiko asked.

Ushijima didn't answer. Instead he took her hand and guided her along the wall, Tobio following them. After a while they reached a gate, a very large gate. It must be at least as tall as a basketball hoop and Tamiko suspected that the walls were probably just as thick. The wood of the gate looked ancient, dark and littered with small cracks. Yet it was still in excellent condition. Whoever lived here didn't want to be disturbed by unwanted guests. She started to wonder which type of guests they were. To seemingly test this, Ushijima walked over to a small speaker system and pressed a button. He told the intercom his name and stepped back.

The siblings waited in anticipation for the gate to open to let them in or to let guards out. Clearly they had watched one too many samurai movies. A few seconds later the gate opened. Tamiko's jaw almost dropped to the floor and Tobio's eyes grew wide. Behind the open gate stood a gigantic estate with a well-groomed garden and a traditional Japanese building. A few people in black kimonos were walking around carrying utilities. They didn't speak to each other so it was very quiet.

"Toshi-kun," Tamiko managed to say. "What is this?"

"A building," he answered and his eyes met with hers. "I want you to meet someone who could possibly help you."

Her eyes widened but then grew small again. What was he thinking? They had sat on the train north for about 30 mins and then had taken the bus to the middle of nowhere. And hidden behind a wall and big gate lived a person who could help them. Was he befriended with the Yakuza or something? As she analysed the place more closely it became less likely. However, the people in the kimonos seemed to bow a little when they saw Ushijima. He couldn't be a simple guest. Tamiko's suspicion grew but she kept quiet. She didn't want to ruin the serenity and tranquility of this place with her words.

When they entered the building two women offered to take their jackets. Wordless they complied and Ushijima waited for the siblings. The Kageyama siblings weren't used to such service and looked very lost. They followed Ushijima, who seemed to know his way around this place. When they reached a door Ushijima paused his steps. The siblings watched him take a deep breath, close his eyes and open them again. Then he opened the door.

The first thing that hit her was the scent. A mix of lillies, old books and candle fumes came oozing out of the room and into their noses. Then she saw a woman in a fine white shirt and a fine bowler haircut sit at a desk stacked with mountains of paper. She didn't look up. She just kept writing. The only sound in the room was the distant singing of the birds, penetrating from the outside, and the pen scratching the paper. The siblings followed Ushijima as he silently stepped into the room. The woman kept writing until she paused, lifted the pen to insert the cap and placed it on the table.

"Hello, mother," Ushijima said and bowed slightly.

Tamiki almost gasped out loud but the siblings copied him and bowed to the woman. Now it was clear. This was Ushijima's home. This was where he grew up.

"Hello Wakatoshi," the woman answered and gave him a small smile. "You've grown again."

"Only 1.7cm," he answered.

Tamiko and Tobio stood as straight and formerly as they could and watched the woman. It wasn't a clear memory to her anymore but Tamiko started to compare the photo she had seen with the real woman before her. Not much differed except the age showing on her skin. The woman looked tired, maybe even struck with grief and worry. But she didn't want to be overhastly with judgements. Instead she stayed silent and watched.

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