Chapter Three

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I wake up with Miles' arms wrapped around me. My head is having a mini seizure and I feel like I'm about to barf everywhere. I slip out of Miles' arms and walk to the kitchen. I quietly make everyone breakfast. I hear footsteps behind me walk to my side and steal a piece of bacon I cooked.

"Theo, that's for breakfast." I say. I don't even have to turn around to know it's him.

"But-" He says.

"No buts." I answer him and I hear laughter from behind us. I turn around to see Shai.

"You sound like a mother already." She says still laughing as she wraps an arm around Theo's waist. What does she mean already? Do they think I'm pregnant? I look at my stomach.

"Bri what's this about you going to be a mother?" Kait asks as her and Beth walk in. Oh my god this could not be more embarassing.

"Nothing. I mean, it's nothing. I'm not pregnant I swear." I say they laugh and Miles walks in.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" He asks. I go back to cooking.

"I'm not." I say. "I don't know why everyone thinks I am but I'm not." I say he laughs and wraps his arms around my waist putting his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear. I shiver and he turns me around to kiss me. I giggle and dodge his kiss. He shakes his head and pulls my face towards his with his fingers touching my chin. We kiss and as always it feels the same as the first time we kissed.

"Eww nasty guys. I think I'm going to be sick." Theo says. I giggle shaking my head.

"Are you sure that's not just the hangover talking Theo?" Miles asks. Without moving my concentration I give him a high five.

"Haha very funny. So Brianna I want to compliment you on your wardrobe choice today." I look down and realise that I only have on one of Miles' long shirts. and a pair of his boxers. I scream.

"Why didn't anyone say anything?" I say

Miles takes my place as the doorbell rings and I hurry and get dressed in my normal jeans and tshirt. I have Theo and Shailene get the forks and knives out and Beth gets the cups out as Kaitlyn answers the door.

Miles flips the pancake one more time before picking it up and tossing it into the air. I hurry and catch it and it lands on a stack of pancakes we already made. Miles pours more mix for another pancake and I start putting the eggs on another server plate. I put the eggs on the table along with the bacon and sausage. I get out the drinks and everyone pours themselves a cup. Miles finishes another pancake and I catch it on the plate. When we are done cooking I sit at the table next to Miles and Veronica.

I use the hand I am not holding Miles' hand with to eat. I feel everyones eyes on us. I eat more conciously. I never liked it when people watched me eat. I stop eating and look up. Everyone goes back to eating. Miles hasn't noticed. I go back to eating and everyone starts staring at me again. I look up again and they start eating yet again.

"What?" I ask looking at them. They look up and Miles suddenly looks nervous.

"Oh nothing." Shai says. I shake my head and start eating again. Miles exhanges looks with the others. Everyone goes back to eating and an awkward silence envelops the room.

"So... I set up a meeting with HarperCollins Children's Books for dinner." Veronica says breakng the extremely awckward silence.

"Okay great." I say.

"You know what, we should go shopping!" Shai says. I pucker up my nose. Everyone at the table laughs.

"Actually I think that's a great idea." Miles says picking up everyones plates.

I'll Be: Sequel to BrilesWhere stories live. Discover now