Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys sorry it's taken me so long to update. This is a short chapter for how long it's taken but I figured I better get this updated. Please enjoy and thank you so much for sticking with me. You're all amazing I love you guys.

*Miles' POV*

We're cuddled on the couch when I get a phone call from Shai. I get up and answer it.

"Don't let Bri watch Entertainment Tonight." She says.

"Why not?"

"Just don't okay?"

"No, I want to know what's going on."

"Let's just say it's not good."

"For fucks sake what is going on Shai? Are they talking crap about her?"

"No, it's about you and I." She says. I automatically know what she's talking about and without another word I hang up. Bri just stopped on Entertainment Tonight. Watch in horror as a paparazzi picture of Shai and I pops up on the screen. We're both lying naked in bed. The reporter talks about our previous friends with benefits arrangements and when we hooked up while Bri and I were still dating.

"Bri I can explain!" I say. She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"You better make it good Teller cause you have one minute until I'm gone."

"That was mostly before you and I even dated and the last time was when you said we were on a break. I was drunk and upset and I didn't know what I was doing. Shai was in the same boat and it just kinda happened."

"So while I was sitting at home crying in my prom dress you were off getting drunk and hooking up with Shai?" She shouts. "I can't believe you." She gets up to leave and I grab her arm.

"Please don't go. I'm sorry. You're the only one I want no-one else." She shakes her head a tear falling down her face.

"You should've thought about that before." She says trying to pull her arm away. I keep a firm grip on her arm but she punches me in the chest, knocking me backwards. I let go and watch sadly as she walks out of the apartment.

*Brianna's POV*

I don't think about anything. I just walk out of the apartment. I'm still wearing my pajamas. Thankfully I put on a pair of uggs over my sweats and grabbed a jacket really quick. Despite that I'm starting to get cold as the snow begins to seep through my boots and the frosty air nips at my ears. I can't feel anything. The only thing I can think about is the reporters voice add they calmly says the words that crushed my heart into a thousand pieces.

I'm walking around for no particular reason other than to just get away. I don't even know where I am any more when I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see my friend Zack watching me.

"Where were you during class today?" He asks running to catch up to me.

"I was sick." I say.

"Then why are you out here in the freezing cold?" I shrug.

"Relationship problems." I reply. He nods.

"You're amazing boyfriend isn't as amazing as you thought?" He asks. I nod.

"Something like that." I reply.

"Want to go have some drinks with me and the guys? It'll help you keep your mind off it. " I shrug and we walk to the bar.

I'm pretty drunk by now. I've had beer after beer and shot after shot until I got to the point where I can barely remember my own name.

I'll Be: Sequel to BrilesWhere stories live. Discover now