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Jasmine woke up to the warm sun shining on her face. This was the third time this week that she has had that dream. The same dream every day, in the exact same place, at the exact same time. She did not know what it meant or why she of all people had this dream. Jasmine had finally decided to tell Leif about it. What he could do, she had no idea, all she knew was that she had this dream again, she would loss it.

Knock, knock, knock. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in!" Jasmine quickly scurried out of bed to greet the strange person at the door. It was early so she couldn't fathom how anybody, save herself, would be awake at this time. Lief pokes his head through the door with his eyes closed.

"Are you desent? Lief asked, his eyes closed. She gave a small giggle.

"Yes, I am. You may come in."

"Thank you," Lief opened his eyes then walked into the room and shut the door behind him. He sat down on the bed, combing his hand through his hair. There was something obviously wrong and it was something important Jasmine just didn't know what. Before she could ask, Lief opened his mouth to speak. "Jasmine,"

"Yes, Lief." He hesitated before continuing.

"Umm, we have visitors coming today."

"And" Jasmine prompted.

"Well, she is the princess of one of our neighbouring kingdoms. Her name is Genevieve and she is coming with her advisor." Lief paused to comb his hand once again through his hair. "I don't know her personally, but I hear she is a magnificent lady, with a kind heart. They say she would make a great queen, because she is smart, kind, loving-"

"Lief why are you telling me this. I am sorry but it is irrelevant right now. I'm glad she is coming to visit and see the kingdom; it is a very beautiful place. But then you start saying she is beautiful and perfect. I don't understand. Lief what's going on? Please tell me."

Lief stood up and walked towards Jasmine. "You must believe me Jasmine, this wasn't my idea. My father made an agreement before I was born, in the time of his rein." He put his hands on her shoulders gently stroking them. "It is hard to go against a birth contract, you must believe me. I have tried everything in my power. I just can't seem to find a way out."

Knock, knock, knock. "Lief, she is almost here!" Barda's voice echoed through the room. "They will be arriving at the castle in two hours, be ready. Jasmine, you need to be present as well. With that, his voice dissipated into the air.

"I need to go." Lief quickly hugged Jasmine and left the room. What was that about? Why was he acting so out of character? Jasmine started preparing herself for the encounter with Princess Genevieve. She wore a simple embroiled purple gown with simple jewellery. Thanks to Sharn, Jasmine had started wearing gowns.

Once she was finished dressing, Jasmine ventured down the hall to the top of the stairs. She could hear voices talking and began to descend the stairs to join them. When she reached the group of people, which included Lief, Barda and Sharn, Jasmine put on a smile and walked up to greet them.

Lief turned around and caught sight of Jasmine. She was beautiful, well, more beautiful then usual. Lief blushed at the thought, and turn to face everyone. He coughed to get their attention. "Princess Genevieve I would like to introduce Lady Jasmine, one of our esteemed guest and friend." Jasmine did a curt bow, and greeted everyone.

Princess Genevieve was beautiful, you could give her that. With deep brown curls and amber eyes, she was the picture of a perfect lady. Jasmine felt a pang of jealousy surge through her body for an unknown reasons.

"It's an honour to be acquainted with you. I've heard many great things about you, Jasmine."

" And I, you. To what pleasure do we have the honour of bestowing your grace upon us." Jasmine spoke with such dignity, that Lief whipped his head around to face her with his brows raised. Jasmine stifled a grin and held her head higher.

"You do not know?" Genevieve asked with genuine surprise. Jasmine shook her head slightly and looked around the room at everyone's faces. Lief looked forlorn, while Barda and Sharn didn't meet her gaze. "Lief and I are to wed."

Jasmine could feel herself falling. She couldn't breath and didn't know how to speak without bursting out into tears. She settled for a schooled smile, that could fool anyone. " Congratulations, I'm happy for the both of you." Lief's head shot up in surprise and hurt. She didn't want to look at him so she kept her eyes facing forward. "When is the wedding?"

"We haven't planned a day yet, but we don't want to rush it. During my stay, I want to get to know my future husband better." Jasmine recoiled back a bit and winced at the words 'future husband'. Wasn't it only three months ago the Lief had promised her the same thing. Jasmines eyes reluctantly darted towards Lief's. To her surprise he didn't meet her gaze. Coward.

"That's good. It is better not to rush things such as this. I am afraid I have to depart away from you. I am otherwise engaged with another matter." Lief finally met Jasmines gaze and held it there, shock and confusion evident. "It was a pleasure meeting you, your Highness." Jasmine gave a deep bow and left for the stairs. Once out of sight, she ran to her room bursting into tears. She tore off the dress and threw it across her room. "Stupid Lief, you couldn't tell me that you were to marry. Idiot. Fool." She burst out crying, sliding to the floor. This day couldn't get worse.

Hello, readers.
This is my second fanfic.
I hope you guys like it
If there is anything you want to say comment below.
I would appreciate he constructive criticism and advise.
Thank you.

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