Chapter 7- Brake - up?

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Kelsey's P.O.V

So I've changed my vlogging chanel to Kelsey Rose and Charlie's life adventures as everyone loves seeing Charlie in the vlogs. I also changed it as Charlie is now a huge part of my life and I want to share it with you guys as you are also a huge part of my life.

"Good morning guys I'm in the bathroom as Charlie is still asleep but today we have a day off so I'm planning a fun day. Guess what guys? I'm going to vlog it just like I do every day of my life." I said to the camera.

"Kels where are you? Come back to bed." Charlie shouts as I was vlogging.

I open the bathroom door and walk into our bedroom and jump on the bed.

"Oh you're vlogging." A very sleepy Charlie said.

"Of course it's my job." I said as he laughed.

"Well your job right now is to give me cuddles cause you are the best." Charlie said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Aww you are cute when you are tired and as much as I love cuddling you, I have a very fun day planned." I said as he sighed.

Guys help me out here, what would you rather do cuddle all day or do stuff?" Charlie asked the camera.

"This is why I get annoyed with you." I said as he laughed.

"Babe I'm joking let's not argue on camera." He said as I sighed.

"Guys we'll see ya later if we decide to leave as Charlie is being lazy."I said turning off the camera.

"Kelsey stop being huffy I said we're going." Charlie said as I get up and walk away from him.

"Kelsey stop." Charlie added.

"No I'm going to get coffee." I said still angry with him.

"For god sake you are 21 years old not 5 I just wanted a cuddle with my girlfriend." He said as I put on my shoes.

"All we ever do is cuddle and I just thought you know it's the only day we both have off, let's do something fun but no Charlie's boring." I said before leaving.

Charlie is so selfish and all he cares about is cuddling, I swear we've been together almost a year now and we never go on adventures. I mean we do couple things like go on dinner dates or go to the movies but we never do anything like go on walks together or hike or the gym together. Like I go to the gym or hikes with my gals or Shawn and he goes with his PT but never with me. We live together but he is always with other people doing fun stuff  but with me it's cuddles or sex. I love him to death but I can't do nothing I'm a fun girl, that's why I love my job because I get to travel the world as I love going to new adventures and it was fun going on tour with him like I miss tour Charlie.

"Excuse me Miss what would you like?" Someone asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry a carmel iced latte and a black coffee please." I said as she nodded.

"That will be £10.23 please." She said as I handed her the money.

"Thank you." I said as she smiled.

"Kelsey Rose right?" She asked.

"Yeah that's me." I said as she smiled again.

"Yeah I am a big fan and btw Charlie is behind you." She said handing me my coffees.

"Thanks bye have a nice day." I said.

"Here." I said handing Charlie his coffee.

Although I'm mad at him, he's still my boyfriend so of course I will get him coffee.

"Thanks gorgeous." He said as I rolled my eyes,

"Too soon." He added.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

We continued walking until we got to our place and we sat on the bench.

"I'm sorry you think I'm boring." Charlie said as I sighed.

"I'm sorry you think I should grow up." I said as Charlie laughed.

"It's not funny charlie, I don't think you are boring I'm just tired of us never doing anything together. I mean we do things like normal couples do like dinner dates and go to movies but we don't go on little adventures together like hiking. We don't even go to the gym together like I have to do that type of stuff with my girls or Shawn.  I know we live together but it feels like you only want me for cuddles or sex. I'm not complaining but you seem to want to hang around with other people and just want me for that." I said as tears rolled down my face.

"Then leave go back and live with Shawn." Charlie said as I stared into his eyes that I once loved but right now are stone cold.

"Charlie." I said as he laughed.

"No you clearly don't love me if you did then you would appreciate the little things. You think I'm boring and then clearly the age gap is an effect on our relationship as  you act like a 5 year old when you don't get what you want. I love cuddling you because you are the only person I want to kiss and cuddle all day so sorry if you find that boring. You know what fuck you Kelsey Rose." Charlie said as my mouth flew open in shock.

"You said you were nothing like him and you wouldn't hurt me but truth is you are worse than him." I said trying to walk away.

"Oh Kelsey take back your fucking coffee." He said pour it over me.

"And you call me a child." I said actually walking away this time.

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