chapter 8- Explanation/ I'm sorry

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Since me and Charlie broke up my depressing is back and Shawn isn't speaking not me but not because of Charlie. We fell out over something I'd rather not talk about and now I have my own apartment in LA. I feel Lonely but I know I will always have my viewers and I'm so grateful for there support since we broke up. Today would of been mine and Charlie's one year anniversary and I really do miss him, I did love well do love Charlie and he was right I'm ungrateful. As I do miss cuddle and kissing him all the time, man I'm such a screw up as I always ruin everything. You know what I feel as if my viewers need a explanation like a proper one so I'm going to go live on insta.

"Hey guys sorry I haven't been vlogging lately but I don't want you guys to feel sorry for me as I don't deserve it as I'm an arsehole. I owe you guys a proper explanation rather than all these crappie excuses, you guys mean the world to me and I don't want to lose you guys either. So you are probably wondering where I am? Well I have my own apartment as you may of heard that I'm no longer dating Charlie and it's my own fault. I truly am the biggest arsehole I had everything as Charlie was the best boyfriend in the world and I took his for granted. He was right I do miss his cuddles and his soft lips against mine. I do need to grow up as I'm 21 years old and I go in the huff like a 5 year old when I don't get my way, maybe we are just two completely different people as I'm a nature freak and he just likes to chill and that's fine. I'm not going to lie I miss Charlie like crazy and my life was so much better with him in it. Ugh I hate myself so much like honestly I'm the biggest idiot ever as today would of been our one year anniversary and I've fucked it up like I always do. I've lost my Shawn as well so I'm all alone in this huge big place, I miss my family so much as Emma is back in Canada to give me space. Oh shit look at me I promised myself I wouldn't cry I want to go home as I miss my mum." I said ending the live as it just got too much.

Charlie's P.O.V

I'm a dick I broke the girl's heart that I promised I'd never would. She was right I never did anything fun with I should of and I was hanging out with other people rather than the most important person in my life. She wasn't a child honestly she is the most hard working and career driven person I've ever met. Like she was always editing videos, having Skype meetings and writing songs for her album. I was just jealous that she could do all that and still go on little adventures and the fact that she is a morning person and goes for a run at 5 am. She is so fucking amazing I'm such a dickhead for letting a girl like that slip through my fingers. Today's our one year anniversary well meant to be, I wonder what she is up to oh she is live on Insta.

After she finished her live it hit me pretty hard as she feels like an arsehole when it's me that's the arsehole. I can't believe how badly I have hurt her to the point where she wants to give up her dream and move back home, oh Charlie you have really screwed up now and you don't even know where she lives. Wait Shawn will know.

I called Shawn and for the first time in months he actually answer.

Charlie: Hey Shawn I know you hate me right now for hurting Kelsey but please can where does she live?

Shawn: Charlie buddy I don't hate you but I don't know as Kelsey cut me out of her life.

Charlie: Why?

Shawn: she started drinking again and she promised me she'd stop so I had a go at her and she told me to fuck off and leave her alone. She's broken Charlie and she doesn't want to be fixed, I miss her like crazy.

Charlie: I broke her Shawn so I should be the one to fix her please Shawn I know you know.

Shawn: Okay Emma told me yesterday she's living in downtown LA in that apartment she would walk by and say it was cute.

Charlie: Thanks Shawn I owe you.

Shawn: Charlie just bring my best friend back.

Charlie: I'll try

I hung up and drove to where Shawn said Kelsey was living and I knocked on the door but no answer. So I try a few more times before trying the door and it was open.

"Omg Kelsey." I said rushing to her body that was laying on the cold hard floor and blood was every where.

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