| 5 | golden globes

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It was finally time for the golden globes, something Timothée had been looking forward to for the past few weeks. He was taking his mother with him because Pauline was busy in Paris and his father couldn't make it. Plus his mother was good company, he would never pass up the opportunity to spend a fun night with her.

'I'm so proud of you my love.' His mother repeated to him over and over again. He did the whole rolling his eyes and saying 'stop it mom.' act but deep down his heart fluttered every time she told him how fond she was of his work. His mother was his biggest motivator and he was proud to be nominated for 'Beautiful Boy' which had such a powerful message.

Once he arrived at the place the nerves stared to kick in. He had the privilege of doing a few interviews with his mother by his side to take off a bit of the stress and then when it was time to finally enter he was overwhelmed by all the people there.

It didn't matter how many times he'd met them, or how many times they spoke. It was still surreal every time an actor or actress that he looked up to came up to him and wanted to talk. It made him feel like he belonged.

A few years ago when he'd show up to one of these things no one knew who he was, or even gave a crap. But this time he finally made it. And all the work he did payed off. 'Timmy!' It was Lucas Hedges, a good friend of Timothée's from a movie they had filmed a while back.

Lucas and Timothée greeted each other and began to talk. Timothée tried introducing Lucas to his mother but Nicole had spotted Timothée's agent from afar and decided she'd rather talk to him. The two boys laugh as they watch Mrs. Chalamet scurry away and begin talking about the people nominated and who they think are going to win.

'Oh! You know that girl Daisy Cohen, she's insane I think she might win tonight.' Timothée raised his eyebrows. 'Really? I mean I think she did amazing but who else is in her category?' he acts curious but he had already searched up what she was nominated for and who was alongside her.

'Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy, Lady Gaga and Glenn Close.' Lucas says reading off his phone. 'So many amazing actresses but I guess I'm biased because I know Daisy.' He says shrugging it off like it was no big deal but Timothée became interested. 'You do?' He asks Lucas trying not to sound unusual for being so curious.

'Yeah. I met her a bit ago at an award show. She was so nice and friendly and we text sometimes to congratulate each other or to wish each other well. It's nothing big but I think she really deserves to win.' Timothée nods agreeing completely with him that the girl deserved an award. Her performance blew him away and it seemed Lucas had the same thoughts he did.

Eventually their conversation was short and Timothée found himself another person to converse with. Minutes into a conversation he was having with his good friend Saoirse Ronan he spotted Daisy Cohen from a distance.

She was gorgeous in her sparkly silver dress. It glittered from all the way across the room and her hair was put in a simple bun. It was so simple yet so elegant on her. She looked stunning.

Daisy entered holding her brother close to her. She was nervous and Kaden could clearly tell from the tight grip she had on him. Immediately some of her co starts from the movie she was in spotted her and headed her way. They greeted her and said hello to her brother but the greeting were cut short once she spotted a figure lurking behind them. He cleared his throat and held his hand out for her to shake. 'Hello, I'm Timothée it's a pleasure to finally meet you.'

Daisy stood stunned but shook his hand nonetheless. Her brother Kaden stood stiff as he watched the boy look at his sister in a way that only meant lust, it did not make him comfortable but he stood still nonetheless because he had promised Daisy he'd behave tonight. 'Yeah I know who you are but I'm surprised you know who I am.' Daisy says flabbergasted.

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