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Daisy could not have been happier. She was with her mother and her boyfriend in New York City and they were having an absolute blast. Sometimes they'd watch a movie, or play charades as a family. Other times they'd go out on long walks and Daisy would visit Nicole and Marc after not seeing them for so long.

It wasn't until they had to leave for Los Angeles that everything started to hit her once again. She was going to be visiting her father, her sick father, and it had been a while since she had seen him. Every time she would visit her dad he would look sicker and sicker. It would shock Daisy, because she'd expect him to look a certain way but once she'd enter the hospital he'll look tired and pale that it almost scared her.

Going to Los Angeles wasn't easy, but being with her father made it all worth it in the long run and having Timothée tag along was a blessing because she needed him by her side through all of it.

'Are you comfortable?' Asks Timothée as Daisy sits on the seat beside him on the busy airplane. She nods her head before laying it on his shoulder, he happily placed a kiss on her head before laying his head on top of hers but of course a very smiley Pierre had to ruin the moment.

'That's my seat.' He states causing the two love birds to look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Daisy is ready to argue with him but Timothée places his hand on her knee, trying to calm her down.

'What do you mean?' Timothée asks calmly.

Pierre however scoffs in reply. 'I mean.. that's my seat you're sitting in. My boarding pass says 15 A, and that's the seat your ass is on.'

Once again Daisy tries arguing but Timothée beats her to it. 'Can't you sit somewhere else?' He asks politely. But Pierre sends him a devious smile.

'Nope. There's a creepy old guy sitting next to me in 17C and I'd rather sit next to my sister thank you very much.' Timothée unclasps his seat belt ready to get up and give Pierre the seat but Daisy grabs his arm pulling him down and sending him back down in his chair harshly.

She then leans forward so her brother can hear her loudly and clearly. Her eyes are cold and she's wearing a scowl on her face. 'Pierre I swear to god if you don't sit your ass on that other seat I'll tell mom about the Fourth of July.'

Pierre's eye's widen in shock and horror as he recalls the events of that night. He even takes a glance back at his mother in utter fear, hoping she isn't listening in on their conversation. Timothée on the other hand, is seated beside Daisy with a confused look on his face. 'You wouldn't.' Pierre says leaning closer to his sister with an even colder look.

'Oh I would.' Daisy starts, a smile starting to form on her face as she sees the fear in her brother's eyes. 'And I'll even add in an extra few details. Like how you brought those stri-'

'OKAY! Okay... shut up i'll sit down.' And with that Pierre walks down the aisle taking a seat next to the grumpy old man who smelt of sweat and dirty socks. Daisy makes sure to look behind her and catch a glimpse of her brother's miserable face.

'What happened on July 4th?' Asks Timothée. And that was all they could talk about the entire trip.


'Holy shit!' Exclaims Timothée as they exit the plane. Pierre has his arms crossed over his chest whilst Daisy and Timothée are holding back laughs.

'Was telling him really necessary?' Asks Pierre walking past the two of them. Daisy lets out a chuckle.

'It really was.' She was going to say something else but once she caught a glimpse of her mother and Kaden she went silent and Pierre was grateful. He did not want his mother finding out about the events of that night.

The five of them go to the hospital in a rented car and once they arrive there the nerves start to kick in and Daisy is reaching for Timothée's hand squeezing it from time to time out of fear and anxiety.

Before she knows it she is being lead to her father's hospital ward. It looks different this time, it's smaller and less secluded. There are many families surrounding them this time, and as they make their way to his room they pass by people with sad faces and tragic eyes. Daisy could only wonder what they might be going through.

Once she enters the room she realizes that all of her thoughts had been true. Her father looked worse, he had less and less hair, his eyes didn't have the same glint in them anymore and he wasn't smiling. Not even when he saw her, or his wife or his sons. James had a blank look on his face and could barely make out a grin.

Daisy couldn't help herself, she turned away from her father so her back was towards him and she looked into Timothée's eyes. She let a tear run loose and her heart ached after having seen him. It came as a complete shock. She had only been gone a few weeks and already there was a huge difference in his appearance and his behavior.

Timothée couldn't help but feel as though his heart had been ripped out of his chest. Not only was the sight of Mr. Cohen so heart wrenching, but seeing Daisy struggle to keep herself calm was just digging blades into his heart. He hated seeing her this way, and it hurt him to see James look so tired and worn out.

Usually the smile on his face would never fade, no matter how sick he was but seeing him being unable to show any sort of joy towards their presence was just heartbreaking. 'Dad, are you okay?' Asks Kaden, approaching his father.

James nods slowly however he wasn't convincing anybody. It was obvious that the man was not doing very well. 'Where's Harvey? He is supposed to be taking care of you.' asks Mrs. Cohen stunned that her son was not by her husband's side.

Harvey was the only one out of all four children that never left his father's side. Kaden had work to do, Pierre had university and Daisy had school so they all took turns going back and forth but Harvey never left. Harvey was always up early in the morning to stay by his father's side and even slept in the hospital if the situation called for it.

But coming in to find the room empty came as a shock to Julie and her children. Because where could Harvey possibly be? 'I don't know.' Spoke James. 'I haven't seen him since yesterday morning. I called him all day today and yesterday and he didn't pick up. I didn't want to worry you before you even got here.'

There's a silence in the air and everyone's thoughts run wild. Daisy can't help but picture her brother lying in the street of Los Angeles somewhere, having overdosed, with a bunch of pills scattered around beside him. It wasn't an unusual picture to paint because it had happened multiple times before, but this time maybe he didn't make it.

Maybe the drugs killed him.


Hey guys, I don't know if any of you are still reading. I've barely been getting any comments. But whether or not your reading I just wanted to let you guys know I published a different Timothée fanfic.

I only published the first chapter, but I have a few prewritten chapters and I would love it a lot if some of you checked it out. I would be very grateful ;)

It's called Forgive & Forget and you can find it if you click on my profile!

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