| 42 | sleep deprived

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A few weeks had gone by, and Kaden was still on Daisy's bad side. He tried talking to her multiple times but his younger sister did not give him any attention. She was always exiting the rooms that he would enter, and ignoring any sort of conversation he would try to spark up between them.

After he so rudely showed up at Timothée's apartment a few nights ago and demanded she give him an explanation, Daisy couldn't bear to look at him anymore. 'We didn't do anything. We just fell asleep I swear.' Timothée had told the very intimidating Cohen sibling that had so surprisingly showed up at his apartment unannounced.

When Timothée told Daisy of Kaden's unexpected visit, Daisy couldn't help but rage. She was so angry at her brother for being like this, and for being so unfair towards her. She wasn't a child anymore. She was eighteen and he needed to know his boundaries because Daisy knew for a fact that the only way Kaden could have possible figured out where Timothée lived was through the family investigator, known as Stanley.

Stanley was a man that her father hired to spy on people. Usually they were buissness men who her father believed to have bad intentions, but the Cohen brothers took Stanley and used him to their own advantage. They would pay him to spy on Daisy's friends, boyfriends and sometimes they would even make him do background checks on their own circle of friends if they felt threatened.

It annoyed Daisy for years now, and she had made it clear to her siblings a long time ago that Stanley should never be used to stalk or spy on her. But it seemed Kaden had dismissed what she had told him because if he found out where Timothée's apartment was than that must have meant he found out a lot of other personal things about Timothée too.

After about a month Daisy was finally finished filming her movie and was now putting most of her focus into her schoolwork. Although she missed a couple of days she was still caught up and was able to make up the very few tests she had missed.

However, school was not as comforting as it used to be. She was getting more and more stares as she walked past people in the halls and it was all very disturbing. She knew the people at her school meant well, but she was so used to being ignored that having people's eyes on her at all times was very unusual.

Daisy made sure to always walk the halls with Skylar by her side, or anyone, as long as they were a friend. As her movies got more and more recognition the people at her school grew weirder and Daisy did not know how to react to that sudden shift.

After a very exhausting day at school Timothée is outside in his car ready to go on adventure with her. However, he watches Daisy enter his car with a frown on her face where a smile usually sat. 'What's wrong?' he asks watching Daisy put on her seatbelt.

Daisy shrugs. 'Nothing.' She mumbles leaning over to him so they can share a quick kiss. It was too fast and once Daisy pulled away it left Timothée wanting more. He pushes her closer and reaches her lips once again, making the kiss last longer until he was completely satisfied.

Once they pull away he notices her frown is no longer a frown and she is grinning instead which only made butterflies appear in his stomach. 'That's more like it, I don't enjoy seeing my girlfriend being sad.' Timothée says, and only when the word escapes his lips does he realize what he just said.

He decides to play it cool and not bring any attention to it, however, Daisy cannot let the word go. 'Girlfriend?' She repeats, a smirk on her lips as she looks over at him. Timothée begins driving and takes a moment to scan her expression. She wasn't blushing, instead her eyebrows were raised in a playful manner and that only made his smile grow wider.

'Yes. Only if that's what you want to be?' Timothée says this more seriously, hoping his outburst does not end in his defeat. Daisy places her hand on his knee and grins widely at him. Sending him a toothy smile.

'Of course that's what I want.' She says and once they are jammed in New York traffic Timothée takes a moment to connect his lips to hers, just to show her his gratitude.

They drive to his apartment, a place that had now felt like home to Daisy. After her fight with Kaden she preferred that they hang out in the cozy apartment rather than her massive house where Kaden was most probably going to try to barge in on them and bother them.

Once they arrived they did what the normally would do. It was Timothée's turn to make lunch so he made them some pasta whilst Daisy sat on his couch and revised some of the notes she took from the long day she spent at school. Once the pasta was done they sat at the island in the kitchen and ate silently together then proceeded to do other things.

Timothée checked his emails whilst Daisy did some more revising. It wasn't until Timothée realized the room had gone too quiet that he looked up from his laptop. He found Daisy asleep on his couch in a very uncomfortable position. Her head was rested above her textbook and her arm lay underneath her in a discomforting way.

He was quick to get up and fix her position. Moving the textbook from underneath her head and replacing it with a pillow. Timothée then enters his room and comes back out with a blanket which he gently drapes over Daisy's peaceful body.

Timothée takes a moment and smiles at the sight of her asleep there on his couch before sitting back down. He knew Daisy was being overworked and it was messing with her sleep schedule so he was happy she was finally getting some shut eye. After weeks of filming and trying to catch up on school work her sleep schedule was all over the place therefore he let her have her nap and made sure not to disturb her with his noisy typing.


A good hour and a half had passed by and Daisy's body was still laying there in a peaceful slumber. However her mind was elsewhere and the dream she was having was not pleasant. In fact it was the exact opposite. Timothée looked over at Daisy when he heard a soft noise escape her.

He didn't think much of it but when her face began to crinkle and her eyebrows began to furrow he could tell she was having a very bad dream. He walked over to her, placing a hand over her shoulder, shaking her slightly trying to stir her awake. It didn't work, because she was still deep asleep.

He then attempted to wake her up through his words. Whispering her name softly and then retorting to saying it louder. He shakes her once more and this time she jolts awake, her eyes open wide and her hands covering her face.

The sobs escaped her little by little until she couldn't stop herself and they were flowing out of her like waves. One after the other after the other. Timothée tried his best to calm her down but it didn't work. She was just so frustrated and so afraid.

Why do I keep having this nightmare? Why won't it go away? Why can't I just forget it? Daisy was battling with herself and as she did so Timothée was struggling to keep her calm. 'Daisy come on, breathe.' And she did. She breathed because she came to the conclusion that she was torturing this innocent boy with her constant nightmares and she needed to put an end to it.

The nightmares were bad enough as is, but putting such a huge weight on Timothée's shoulders was a whole other story. So she tried her best to breathe as Timothée instructed her to and attempted to match her breathing with his. Once they breathed in unison Timothée finally finds the courage to speak. 'This is unfair, you need to tell me what you keep seeing when you dream.' he says this backing away from her, readying himself for an argument. However, to his surprise he doesn't get one.

'Okay.' Daisy coos, nodding her head slowly. 'I'll tell you.'


What do you guys think the nightmare is about?

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