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'Mom where are my lucky socks? I can't find them.' Harvey's loud voice sounds extra muffled coming from the top of the staircase. Daisy lets out a tired sigh and heads upstairs finding Harvey and grabbing her curly haired son by his small hand to lead him into his room.

She looks through his sock drawer and finds his red lucky socks all the way at the bottom of the pile. Once she hands it to him she sees the smile on Harvey's face and it relaxes her after an already very stressful morning. 'There you go. Anything else you need little man?' She asks ruffling up his curls and receiving a giggle from him.

Harvey shakes his head. 'No mommy. I'm ready to go to school now. I just need my shoes.' She hands him his shoes too and watches him put the left shoe on his right foot. And the right shoe on his left foot. He always makes the same mistake when putting on his shoes and she wants him to learn from it so she proceeds to give him a weird look and immediately he realizes his mistake. 'Oops.' He mutters making Daisy smile widely as he switches his shoes and wears them the correct way.

Daisy then heads out of his room once she sees he is all set to go to school and she is met with a tiny little brunette tiptoeing down the corridor in her underwear. 'Mia!' Daisy says her eyes conveying complete shock as she watches her daughter run away. She had left Mia under the supervision of Nick, her husband, but it was no surprise that Mia was not being well taken care of.

After chasing Mia down the corridor and grabbing her right before she could reach the edge of the stairs, Daisy was able to carry her to her room and get her dressed in an instant. Nick passes by as she is combing Mia's brown locks and Daisy can't help herself from speaking up.

'You know I can't do everything there is to do in this house on my own right?' Daisy says her voice aggravated and anger filled making Nick stop in his tracks and enter their daughters room.

His eyebrows are raised. His hands were crossed over his chest and he gave Daisy a look that meant he had taken offense to her statement. 'Everything? You do everything?' He says clearly offended and taken aback by her words. But Daisy didn't care. It was about time she brought this up with him.

She had been dealing with Nicks bullshit for months now and she has had enough. She knew he was cheating on her, she knew he had lost interest. She never loved him in the first place, but she did care about him. He had grown on her and she married him because he proposed to her and she couldn't say no. Everything happened so fast, the kids, their house, their new life together. But as she was growing to accept it. He was drifting further and further away from them.

'Yes. I do everything.' She tells him sending him a strong glare and then turning back to Mia and continuing to brush her hair as gently as she could even with all the rage that was filling her up. 'I cook, I clean, I go grocery shopping, I dress the kids up, I take them to school, I take them back home, I show up to their school events and I read them stories before they go to bed. What do you do Nick?'

He removes his hands from overtop his chest and instead creates fists. His knuckles turn white and he lets out a loud groan 'I GO TO WORK EVERYDAY TO SUPPORT THIS FAMILY!' Nick screams outraged and not only does his loud voice startle Daisy but it startles Mia too and she turns her small head around for just a moment so she could catch a glimpse of her angry father.

'Really? Is that what you do? Support this family? Supporting a family doesn't only mean financially Nick, it means you have to take time out of your day to actually raise your children and take care of your wife. I've been running around like a lunatic for months now and I haven't complained.' Daisy's hand is slightly more harsh now as she combs Mia's hair. But Mia doesn't complain. She is stunned as she listens to her parents fight.

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