| 68 | waiting game

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Daisy's POV.

His cologne was all over me. His scent was all I could smell and his lips were all I could feel all over my body. It was a good distraction but it wasn't a good feeling.

I never felt attracted to Nick. I only ever felt interested in him. He was an interesting person and I took a liking to him when I realized he could come in handy. He was one of the main reasons I stopped drinking. But right now as he left kisses on my neck I was realizing that he made a huge mistake bringing me to this party with him.

'I need to go to the bathroom. Wait here, okay babe?' He says and I feel his warm breath on my neck. I nod slowly and get off of his lap allowing him to wander around the house in search of a bathroom.

I don't wait for him where he asks me to. I head for one of the nearest tables and grab a drink gulping it down in an instant. I didn't even think twice about it, I didn't even consider the consequences. I just told myself that I'd have one drink and that was all.

I wasn't going to let myself get drunk.

But after I felt that familiar burning sensation once the alcohol went down my throat I realized there was no stopping me. One sip led to another which led to another and eventually I was so fucked up that it wasn't even enough for me.

I take a glass full of alcohol and I head outside. If Nick sees me he'll take away my drink. He'll probably take me home. Maybe even give me a lecture. I didn't want that right now. I wanted to keep drinking until I felt satisfied, I wanted to keep drinking until I dropped.

A text message from my phone makes me stop for a second. I assume it's Nick wondering where I am. But instead it's my father. I don't know what comes over me but I open the text message reading it over and over again. Trying to make sense of it because my vision was beginning to blur.

Hey Daze
I miss you
Text me when you can honey we haven't spoken in a while
I haven't said this but I'm so proud of you for pushing through
You're so strong and brave and I love you to bits
Please answer me when you can <3

My fingers move without me meaning for them to and I find myself tapping at the small device in my hands and forming what I think are sentences, words, meaning, something. But what I don't know is that I'm writing a bunch of nonsense.

I mvss yui too dave
I livbe yod
Im at e parvty
Task to uo latev

I can't understand you?

I dh at a parvfy dad

You're at a party???
Are you drunk!!!
Is Nick with you?
Who's with you?

Don't vorry dad
Im bine

Daisy I'm calling you
Answer the phone Daisy
Sweetie please
If you start now there's no stoping you
I don't want to lose you like I lost Harvey
Daisy baby pick up please
You're worrying me

I'm on the beach where an even bigger crowd of people were gathered. They were dancing and singing to the music. I walked in between them and I grabbed more drinks. I wanted to be one with them. I ignored the fact that my phone was vibrating in my pocket.

I shouldn't have replied to him.

That was stupid of me.

After dancing for a bit I stagger back towards the table full of beverages and I noticed a few stares from people that must have known who I was 'Daisy Cohen, the actress who had a fall out after a scandal' or 'Daisy Cohen, the wannabe who only got famous over renovate' and don't forget the most important one 'Daisy Cohen the alcoholic, following in her dead brother's footsteps.'

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