| 56 | scrambled eggs

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It's the last day of filming, and it's the only day Daisy actually wants to go to set. Usually she dreads having to go because it means facing her very happy upbeat co stars and putting on a front, but today she wanted so badly to leave her very stressful apartment because Timothée was in it and she was afraid that once he would wake up he might explode on her.

Daisy tries her best to be as quiet as possible as she heads for the bathroom and turns on the shower head. The water splatters onto the ground viscously causing a ruckus and there was only so much she could do to keep the noise level down.

Once she is done she exits the confines of her very small peaceful bathroom and finds that Timothée is awake and she can tell because he is standing by her bed with his hands running through his hair and his eyes are directed straight towards her. Daisy doesn't say anything because what does someone say after a night spent arguing and crying and fighting? Timothée however, seems to know exactly what to say.

'Good morning.' It was as simple and as complicated as that. Those two words make her release the breath that she didn't know she was holding in and Daisy gladly returns the words back to him and mumbles a 'good morning' back.

Timothée walks over to her slowly and once he reaches her he realizes that Daisy does not recoil from him, or step back. They both seemed to have discovered that she lost her fear of him that she had last night. That her anxiousness and her anxiety from the night before had went away and that as he reached out to place a hand on her cheek Daisy didn't flinch or jump back, instead she let him caress her cheek and run his thumb over her cheekbones gently and soothingly.

It was a very simple gesture, but it meant the world to her. 'I'm sorry.' He whispers, his voice husky and sexy from having just woken up. She smiles because she knows he is sorry, just as much as she is. And once again Daisy does not know what to say so she just repeats his words back to him.

'I'm sorry too.' she says back and he doesn't hesitate to lean into her brushing his lips over her's and asking for access. She accepts and Timothée doesn't hold himself back from closing any space left between them and kissing her passionately. His free hand finds her waist and he pushes her closer and closer until there was no space left between them.

The kiss meant I'm sorry, I hate fighting with you, please forgive me. And Daisy knew that because she kissed him back the same way. It felt good that they resolved things before she went to set because if they hadn't Daisy would have been panicky all day long and she would have dreaded having to go back to the apartment to mend their broken pieces. But once she pulls away from the kiss and see's the smile plastered onto his face she can tell that their pieces have been mended and they have both healed from the pain that they put each other through last night.

Daisy felt satisfied with the kiss and with their words and so she is about to head out with her hair wet and with her joggers on, ready to give herself over to the make up artists on set so they can transform her into the character she was playing but Timothée grabs onto her waist and holds her back from leaving. 'Wait.. aren't you going to have breakfast with me first?' He says chuckling.

Daisy doesn't feel hungry at all, she hasn't been feeling hungry for a while now so she put's it off. 'I think I'll just grab myself something on the way there' she tells him trying to head out again but of course he brings her to a halt and he pulls her towards him hugging her slightly and wrapping his arms around her with a smile on his face.

'Come on, stay for a bit. Have a bite with me before you leave. You're going to be gone all day.' It was the least she could do, and they had literally just resolved their fight from last night seconds ago, so she wasn't going to protest.

Plus, Daisy wasn't an idiot. She could tell he was testing her to see if she would actually eat anything or not. 'Fine, but we have 30 minutes. Then I'm leaving.' Timothée claps his hands excitedly and heads for the fridge taking out some milk and orange juice.

It didn't take long for them to prepare some scrambled eggs and as they sat beside each other on the countertop Timothée couldn't help but look up at Daisy every so often to observe her eating habits. She ate slowly and gradually. As if the food she was eating was medicine that she was forced to take, rather than actual food that tasted good. But he didn't bring it up, or point it out to her. He was happy she was trying to eat and he was happy she was taking the time to fix things between them.

Once their 30 minutes is up Daisy goes for a hug instead of a kiss. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and holds him tightly for a minutes before pulling away. 'It's my last day.' She says, letting out a sigh of relief in the process. Timothée smiles.

'I love you.' She tell's him before leaving. Timothée's smile grows wider and he feels a sense of pride at how steady her voice was when she said those words. Almost as if she was so sure of herself.

'I love you too.' He says back as he watches her leave and shut the door behind her.

It was the last day he had to watch her leave him because tomorrow they were going back home. Together. And Timothée couldn't be more happy for things to finally go back to the way they were.


Okay, I know this chapter was so short and simple. But trust me when I say that in the next few chapters something reallyyyy unexpected is going to happen.

I have so many chapters already prewritten so I can't wait for you guys to read them and react to them but for now please be patient because I promise you that soon you're going to be so shocked!!!

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