Eye deduction tips

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Eyes Deduction Tips 📣

1. A grey ring around the cornea indicates high cholesterol and triglyceride levels {a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood}, especially in people over 60.

2. Yellowed scleras {the white outer layer of the eyeball} indicate liver disease, usually due to excessive drinking.

3. When you take a photo of someone, you can sometimes get that annoying red glare. However, should there be an anomaly in the glare, such as the glare being not red or absent all together, then there is a good chance that person has retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

4. Eye redness can be misleading, as the cause can be anything from allergies to drug addiction. Generally, though, if its in one spot, it's probably irritation. If the entire sclera of both eyes are red, then a cause like lack of sleep, generally allergy or other major factor is more likely.

5. Dilated pupils show heightened levels of certain chemicals which cause the individual to be more alert and jumpy. This can be due to things like love, fright or even shock.

6. Look for marks left by glasses. If you see horizontal line running from the top of the ear to the face, then they probably wear glasses with a fairly active lifestyle. They deliberately chose tight glasses so that they wouldn't fall off during physical activity.

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