Study Tips

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Ten(10) Effective Study Tips 📝

1. The best way to study is to focus for between 40-90 minutes, then take a 10-minute break where you do some kind of exercise. Regular exercise helps with concentration.

2. Buy small index cards and write small bullet points to help jog your memory. Carry these around at all times, and use them in your free time.

3. Find a comfortable place to study with good lighting and few distractions. Avoid studying in bed, as it will be too tempting to take a nap.

4. Use a tape recorder. This is especially handy on test review days when instructors share what material may be on the exam.

5. Memory games, or mnemonic devices, are methods for remembering pieces of information using a simple association of common words.

6. Repetition. It's true that practice makes perfect. Read your notes over and over until you remember the information well.

7. Quiz yourself. Once you feel like you understand a concept or a topic, it's important to test yourself.

8. Eat plenty of fruits like blueberries and apples, which reduce the level of toxins in your bloodstream and improve memory function.

9. Get plenty of sleep. Generally people need at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Your brain needs this time to recover and organize information to strengthen its memory.

10. Avoid comparing yourself to others, because you'll usually just end up feeling bad about yourself. Remind yourself of your skills and abilities.

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