Shoes Deduction Tips 👟

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Shoes are such a vital piece of information to an inquisitive mind that it is one of the first things one would look to when seeing a stranger.

- Probably new shoes. Compare newness and cleanliness of shoes to that of the clothes. The gap (or lack thereof) in such a feature would be suggestive.

- Older shoes, but the fact that they are clean means that this person most likely lives in the city, where they are far less likely to accumulate dirt and other debris.

- Newer shoes, but examine the dirt. Is it of the same color as the dirt in the vicinity, or is it foreign? It could be the dark, wet earth of fertilizer or the fine, tan dust of drier regions. Dirt can tell you much if there is enough for you to gather the data necessary for deduction.

- Working shoes/boots. But be careful, the fact that they are worn and dirty would suggest less about the person's financial status and more on their towards spending and personal effects.

☑ Look to the obvious creases and cracks in the rubber. Are there any? If so, one can infer alot of bending over/physical activity in those shoes, as the act of doing so will crease or crack the weaker rubber linings. If not, then either that person is strangely inactive or they have a tight schedule and a dedicated workout time with a different pair of shoes.

☑ Look for scrapes or scratches that ware down the harder edge of the rubber sole. Location and prominence can indicate exactly how often this person may have reason to scrape their shoe.

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