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Morse code

By using Morse code you can send a signal in a series of dots and dashes. The signal can be sent by sound or by flashing lights. There are five parts to the code: a dot, a dash, a short gap or pause (between letters), a medium gap (between words) and a long gap (between sentences).Morse was created by and named after American artist and inventor Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791 - 1872). He sent the first Morse code message from Washington DC, to Baltimore, Maryland, on 24 May 1844. It read "What hath God wrought!" An international version of Morse code became widely used to send telegrams by wire.
Once people could send messages by radio transmissions they still used
Morse code in situations such as warfare, when clear voice signals were not always possible.
A •-
B -•••
C -•-•
D -••
E •
F ••-•
G --•
H ••••
I ••
J •---
K -•-
L •-••
M --
N -•
O ---
P •--•
Q --•-
R •-•
S •••
T -
U ••-
V •••-
W -••-
X -••-
Y -•--
Z --••
0 ----
1 •----
2 ••---
3 •••--
4 ••••-
5 •••••
6 -••••
7 --•••
8 ---••
9 ----•

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